The Last Game | Teen Ink

The Last Game

November 13, 2014
By Anonymous

 We just started the big end of the season tournament to wrap up the softball season. We won the first three games in a row so we made it to the championship game. It was play hard or go home.
Saturday; the morning of the game, I had to wake up extra early because to game started at eight. I was definitely not a morning person, but I was super excited to play.
I don’t think I’d ever been so nervous in my life! Butterflies were fluttering in my stomach like crazy. But at the same time, I couldn’t wait any longer to start the game.
We finally arrived to the fields and the visiting team hadn’t got there yet, so we started warming up. As the opposing team arrived, we cleared the field batting last. The pitcher stepped up to the mound as we were getting ready to bat.
The first few innings didn’t have a lot of action, but the second half of the last inning we were batting, losing 4-5 and I was next to bat. I walked to home plate with a girl on second and third. I just needed to get a base hit to score a run.
As the pitch flew towards me, my hands so sweaty I thought my bat was going to fly out of my hands, I took a powerful stride and swung my bat as hard as I could. The bright, yellow ball flew to the outfield and over the back fence. Surprisingly, I hit my first homerun! I’d never been so excited in my life! All the hard work finally paid off; we won the championship game 7-5.

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