Imagination | Teen Ink


June 20, 2014
By LiaBe PLATINUM, Bellevue, Washington
LiaBe PLATINUM, Bellevue, Washington
44 articles 3 photos 18 comments

The girl took a bite of the pancakes.

She smiled. It was the most at home she'd felt since arriving on the alien planet. While chewing, the girl felt as though she were tucked beneath the quilt of her bed at home rather instead of the slumbercube of somewhere far away. She still didn't understand how the creatures had gathered the necessary ingredients to make the confection: let alone actually prepare it. When she woke up, the pancakes had been sitting on her cubeside surface; maple syrup still sliding down their buttermilk edges. Whomever had created them had already left. However they were created, the pancakes tasted delicious.
Only mid-bite did the girl realize that it is Judgement Day: the day the aliens would decide whether the girl could continue to live on the planet permanently, or would be forced to die.
The girl took a bite of the pancakes.

As sweet-soaked carbs melted in her mouth, she smiled. Though pancakes are a perfectly natural substance, the girl couldn't help but remark at the otherworldly ability they seemed to have of transporting her away from the place she found herself in. Instead of being beneath the starched-white sheets of the hospital the girl found herself in the sugary world of far away. Only when the last bite of pancake was consumed did the girl remember that today is The Day: the day she'd been dreading. The day the experimental treatment started. No other medication had worked. This procedure would be the treatment that determined whether the girl lived or died.
The girl took a bite of the pancakes.

While chewing she momentarily forgot where she was. The worn sheets of her suburban bedroom disappeared as her mind entered a place whose only defining characteristic is sweetness. After the last bite had been consumed the girl silently thanked whoever in her family has thought to put them by her bedside table for her. Only once the pancakes had been taken away from her did she remember that it's the day of the test: a test that would determine the course of her whole life.


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