Our Differences | Teen Ink

Our Differences

May 29, 2014
By CasandraWest SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
CasandraWest SILVER, Wentzville, Missouri
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"imagination is the beginning of creation" -George Bernard Shaw

“Why are you so dark?”
“Why are you so colorful?”
“I couldn't tell you, I was born like this. But every time in the Spring I come back and you are always here, you never age or change. You never grow or turn colors like I do, nor do you change shape, why so you not change?”
“Of all the things you should be thankful for you question me? You are nothing but a fool! and only a fool wouldn't fear the black barrel portraying from my face. All you are capable of is giving these creatures a smile, you have nothing to offer but the colorful platforms that border your face.”
“Do you not see that you're letting the evil take over you? Though you're body has dark features, you're heart doesn't have to show the same characteristics.”
“Your ignorance blinds you, I have no heart, I am simply unable to feel any remorse or pain there is nothing in my chest but compartments of destruction, waiting to be released.”
“You can choose to do the things you do.”
“ I am a man made object, not a gift from God, I was made only to do violent things, and you weren't. That’s what makes me and you so different. When I've done my job, they bring life like you to my victims graves. I could never be anything like you, EVER. I’m not programed to.”
“Do you ever know the people you kill?”
“No, I never know anything about them, they could have families back at home and I would never know. And just as quickly my holder would pull my arm and kill them.”
“You can stop..you can if you try.”
“No I can’t stop and just as quickly I can turn on my own holder and take his life.”
“Will God save you one day?”
“Can’t say, I’ve watched you die after every fall and yet you come back, maybe he has the mercy that was taken from me.”
‘I hope so, you're not evil. And you’ve been my friend for a long time and maybe even a enemy in your eyes. For 15 years you've been here waiting for me after the winter and yet you have not even thought of killing me, maybe this is God giving you back you're mercy.”
“Yet if I were placed in the wrong hands I could kill anyone and destroy anything,even you.”
“Than so be it if that day ever comes I’ve lived as many lives as you’ve taken.”

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