reality! | Teen Ink


May 30, 2014
By dafodyl BRONZE, Dayton, Ohio
dafodyl BRONZE, Dayton, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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ya done goofed

its rough. living a life alone. running through battlefields because its not your war or you dont have the strength to fight. ive been through more than a 19 year old should have. im not saying my life is the worst. there are plenty of people who fight for their lives each and every day. throughout the past 9 years ive learned to walk through hell with a smile and kill people with kindness. ive learned just about as much as i lost. through it all, through everything that has happened to me ive become a better person. the good, the bad, the happy and the sad, the times where i woukld quit and question ending my life. everything has made me stronger. all in all i only have one concern and thats how long can i stay strong? one day im bound to cave in. when that day comes hopefully the strength that ive gathered over the years will help me glue back the pieces that have shattered. life isnt supposed to be unicorns that fart sparkling rainbows or leprechauns that poop gold bricks. life is a challenge! its a giant obstacle to overcome. an obsticle that many people dont fight to overcome. life is what you make it...not what is made for you.

my name is demmy. im now 19 years young. (still geeking because my birthday was in march.) im 6 foot 4 and basically the stereotypical white guy. i fit just about every single stereotype that is thrown at me. do i really give a damn? eh i could care less. im me! living life for me and not to please anyone elses expectations really theres not much to say about me. i love just about everyone and i respect everyone equally. whether or not you like me and respect me in the same way is up to you. i dont have tolerence for ignorence or the whole "hard ass" act. im an activist. meaning i love to make positive actions and try to make things right. like bullying for example i hate bullying im a big anti-bullying activist. if someone is getting bullied i will stand up for them whether or not i know them. i hate watching people get bullied. coming from experience as a bullying victim since the 3rd grade. i hate when people are sad. because of this ive decided to compliment everyone at least once. ive met a lot a of my good friends that way. making friends isnt the reason i do this. i do it because its just who i am. my nature. my nature to believe that a single woird can change a life . im pretty chill and laid back kind of guy. nothing really irritates me so bad that ill want to kick your ass. ill tell you if i have a problem with you. it really takes a lot to piss me off. that basically sums me up. im not a real exciting guy i guess you could say. just look at it like this. what everyone else does...i don't.

The author's comments:
i hope people will learn a thing or two from this story. its meant to inspire and revolutionize.

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