The Timeless Waiting Never Ended | Teen Ink

The Timeless Waiting Never Ended

March 29, 2014
By Aditi BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
Aditi BRONZE, Kolkata, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The waves crashed on the shore, resonating with a low hum as the tide drew in. Her sobs were barely audible, partly because of the constant noise created by the sea, and partly because she no longer had the strength to sustain them.
Just one small mistake - fatal. Just one small rip in her sail and it widened to a broad gash, forcing her to head for the nearest land - one of the countless miniscule islands of the Andaman and Nicobar. Now she would never see her tropical island home again, never play under the bright sun with her brother, never splash in the azure waters with her friends again.
A word forced itself into her mind, one that described a fate worse than death. Stranded. A fate that was now hers. She sighed, trying to calm herself down. She was unsuccessful. She shuddered, and drew in breaths with ragged gasps, until exhaustion overcame her and she gave in to sleep, head resting awkwardly on her knees, dark hair falling like a curtain.
She awoke, cracked open her eyes, and was immediately hit by the realization of her situation. Panic struck once again, and she forced it down with a wave of strength resulting from her rest. Having already searched the island prior to her nap, she found nothing edible or of any other use to her. It was quite barren and devoid of vegetation apart from some tall coconut trees and some redundant shrubbery.
Wondering what other options she had left, she maintained her vigil on the shore, knees close to her chest, arms clasped around them. Soon her eyes began to ache and she prayed for something to break the monotony.
She waited, for something, anything, to happen. Be it a miracle, be it not, she wished something would change her situation, even it out against the odds. Seconds turned to minutes, minutes to hours, hours to days. The timeless waiting never ended.
Some say she waits there still, just out of reach of the ever-changing tide, now oblivious to the crash and hum. Her features haggardly carved, stony arms clasped around locked knees, dark hair bleached by the sun and moon. Despite its deathly pallor, her face still retains some the innocence which was destroyed by her experience. And despite her unseeing gaze, her eyes still hold the plea – “let me wait no more.”


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