Nightshade, Nightshade! | Teen Ink

Nightshade, Nightshade!

March 31, 2014
By cosmos4242 GOLD, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
cosmos4242 GOLD, Bethel Park, Pennsylvania
11 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
I don't know where I'm going but I promise it won't be boring." -David Bowie

“You’re sly sir,” sharp as a razor…

“But your snakes speak for you,” from deep…

“Let them slither out!” Out, out…

The scene melted to the ground, into the dirt, the cold and desolate earth, as I walked into the factory. Seething screeches scraped my ears. Angry, vicious machinery pounded the malleable air, vibrating its dust.

It was muggy,and boiling air upset my skin, peeling it inside out. The echo returned.

“Nightshade, nightshade! Open your eyelids and close your mouth! Lift up your veil and feel my fervor!”

A crimson glow cast itself upon the titanium walls. Ahead lay a rusty catwalk. On each side was situated a friendly abyss, containing the rolling mills. Screaming, unhinged metal threw its cry to me. I lifted my lacy, ivory veil to feel the searing pain.

It was too much! So I ran, ran, ran, but the door never came closer. I feel as though my lungs have been snapped shut, and opressive gelatin in the air has slowed me to a crawl. I am sprinting frame by frame.

It’s wild but it just might prove effective. Slumber in reverse. I halt and squeeze my eyes impossibly shut.

I re-open. Surrounding me is a fresh coat of fluffy, pink blankets. Cradling my head is a silken pillow. The air is cool and fresh like cucumber water with ice.

The veil shall stay firmly in place from this point forward.

The author's comments:
This was inspired by a painting called "War Bride," by Clarence Carter. (1940)

[The image used is not the painting]


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