Adversity | Teen Ink


March 21, 2014
By travvvvvvvv BRONZE, La Canada, California
travvvvvvvv BRONZE, La Canada, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As the clock runs down, the Dallas Hawks have a comfortable lead. The quarterback, Tommy Smith, kneeled the ball for the big win, which clenched league champions for the Hawks. While the team is excited, this was expected due to the Hawks number 1 rank in Texas. All of the players celebrated the big win, except Tommy and Jim Taylor, the all-state running back, because they had meeting with various college teams that wanted to recruit them. With the top teams in the nation flying to Texas to sign these two all-stars, there was much riding on their behavior and health. After meeting with the scouts, Tommy and Jim skipped the after game partying in place for studying, because they wanted to pursue chemistry majors as well as Division one football in college.
After a week passed, the team played their first state playoff game. Being the favored team, everyone on the Hawks was under control. the stands were sold out, and the game began.
After the first three quarters, the Hawks made many mistakes but still had a tie game with 4 minutes to go. Intensity was up and Tommy had the ball. He snapped the ball, and immediately saw his main receiver open running towards the end zone. With excitement, he released a perfect spiral to the receiver. With the win in his sights, the defender intercepted the ball! The magnificent moves of the defender left only the quarterback in his way. All the anger swelled up in Smith and he gave the defender a huge hit, stopping them both in their tracks. The defender sprang up in joy, seeing a victory in his future. On the other hand, Tommy didn’t get up, he remained motionless on the ground. The paramedics rushed over and assessed him, which was when he thankfully woke up. As the sirens rang toward the hospital, carrying the poor Tommy and potentially the Hawks season.
Inside the hospital doctors frantically assessed the poor quarter back. After about 5 minutes, they realized that he had a severe concussion along with vertebrate issues. The coma from his injury lasted three days, and he woke up the pleasant news of the Hawks victory.
The pressing issue for Tommy was the costs for his surgery. His surgery would cost 400,000 dollars if he were to continue with it, where his recovery would be just in time for state championship which was in 4 weeks, or natural recovery would take 6 months. Being from a low-income family Tommy sulked due to his high school football career being over, as well as his scholarship opportunities for top tier colleges. With all this chaos happening in Tommy’s life, Jim looked for answers. He knew he had to get the money for Tommy someone so he could win state. He searched for answers all day until he found himself in downtown.
Jim had wander all the way to the drug circulation part of town. Where he was mistaken for a cocaine cook. So he entered the lab, and due to his great interest and knowledge in chemistry, Jim knew exactly how to cook the cocaine. He cooked for hours until the real chef came. The real chef was amazed by the work, and gave him a job that made 150,000 dollars a week. Although this was against Jim’s moral code, he chose to work so he could save Tommy.
Day and night Jim tirelessly made cocaine to perfection, with Tommy in mind. As 2 weeks passed by, he told Tommy that he would pay for the treatment. The depression wiped off his face at the sound of the good news, but Tommy had no idea how this money would surface, and Jim intended to keep it that way. As the 3rd week passed, Jim resigned and took the 450,000 dollars to treat Tommy, but the chef wouldn’t let him leave. His cocaine was too pure for him to leave, but Jim escaped with no punishment.
Tommy received the money and the treatment went soundly. The state game was the next day after he recovered, and he could throw the ball better than ever due to his new spine implants. All the scouts would be at this game, and it would determine his future.
The teams’ nerves were on high when the game started, which left them to a shaky start. Tommy was playing a great game, but the opposing team scored much more than anticipated. The first three quarters went by and the Hawks were losing by 2 touchdowns. The first drive they had was very easy, and they scored off an amazing run by Jim. But time kept ticking down and they only had time for 2 more plays to tie up the game. They called for a pass to Jim, which would definitely clench the game. As he was about to hike the ball, Tommy saw a man coming for Jim with a gun. Fearing for Jim, he hiked the ball, and threw a laser at the guy, hitting him in the temple, rendering him unconscious. The police rushed over and identified him as a
cocaine dealer and continued the game. Jim was very nervous with his relation to the dealer, but remained silent for the last play. He hiked the ball, and when he released the ball to Jim with time, he knew that they were destined for the win. Jim caught the ball, and they turned the conversion for the win! The Hawks won and they all lived happily after, Jim and Tommy went to great colleges, and all was well.

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