What Type Are You? | Teen Ink

What Type Are You?

February 13, 2014
By Stephanie2015 SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
Stephanie2015 SILVER, Centerville, Iowa
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What Type Are You?

A piece of paper, like a blank canvas, has infinite possibilities. Just as a human, every piece of paper has its own responsibility. Not just any paper is right for a preschool and not just any paper can be used for a history assignment and paper that goes into a printer is even more picky.

Construction paper has to be creative. It can’t just be plain old print paper. It has to have infinite possibilities for arts and crafts. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but it sure does have to be forgiving because it may not always be perfect, but it will always be perfect in the eyes of the young (or old!) artist. It’s very colorful and has lots of personality.

Printer paper is usually quite dull. The work of printer paper is to be precise, and precise it is! You can always count on it to be exact and responsible. Even the pictures on the paper will be exactly what you are expecting. It may not always be exciting, but it’s always dependable, like a Dodge truck.

Notebook paper is nothing like the rest of the paper varieties. Notebook paper has been known to be used for anything. From passing notes to your crush to writing assignments to throwing airplanes, notebook paper is by far the most diverse paper product out there. It has been known to doodle, but can also be used for more serious things.
We can all relate to different types of paper throughout the different times in our lives. I’m sure we can all remember those days of nap time and construction paper. The times of note-passing and airplane throwing may not seem that far away. I’m sure that I can speak for everyone when I say that we may all be stuck in the age of “printer paper”. The age where we begin to take things more seriously and have to type our papers instead of writing essays with our number two pencils or gel pens. It’s not a bad thing, it’s just time for growing up. But keep in mind, it’s never too late to pick up a package of construction paper and let your inner child out.

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