The Gorb | Teen Ink

The Gorb

July 10, 2013
By Anthony3377 BRONZE, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan
Anthony3377 BRONZE, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind."

In a land where only gilled creatures dwell lived the greedy Gorb. The Gorb was unique, for he was the last Gorb in existence. His stylish fins were as sharp as the jagged rocks at the bottom of the sea and his glistening, rough scales made sandpaper seem like a pile of soft seagull’s feathers that landed in the water occasionally.
However, The Gorb was not nearly as smart as his intimidating demeanor would suggest. Luckily, his senseless actions harmed hardly anyone, because The Gorb woke only once every twenty years for a scrumptious underwater meal and then returned to his slumber in a deep and dark abyss.

At the precise moment when The Gorb woke from his long slumber, an unlucky fish swam past the abyss.

“A fish, shall I eat?” The Gorb asked in his jumbled way as he rose from his hiding place.

“No sir, I am not a fish. I am just an innocent seahorse, too crunchy for your liking,” the tiny fish quickly made up, silently wishing that The Gorb would believe her.

The Gorb stared the fish down as best he could, for his eyes were still swelled from having just woken.

“Crunchy you are. Will not I like,” The Gorb stammered. “You swim away.”

Ten minutes later, after the frightened fish scurried far from the abyss, The Gorb decided he would desire a crunchy seahorse after all. And by the same luck it takes to discover an oyster’s pearl, an actual seahorse strolled by the top of The Gorb’s abyss.

“You, must I eat,” The Gorb demanded. “Desire crunchiness, I do.”

The seahorse pulled to a stop and declared, “I am not crunchy; I am an electric eel. I am slimy and will only add unwanted zest to your taste buds.”

The Gorb rubbed his eyes with his razor sharp fins, only to damage his sight even more. “Along you swim,” The Gorb instructed.

The seahorse swam away with his long head held high, pleased with his sly trick.

Ten more minutes passed when The Gorb decided he did want a zest to his meal. Just as he decided this, The Gorb felt a slight zap as he swam in place-- an electric eel was near.

The Gorb confirmed his desires to eat the eel aloud. The eel considered his idea and then finally succumbed to The Gorb’s plan. Although he was one of the bravest creatures of the sea, the eel did not want any of his friends to be eaten. Thus, he agreed to let The Gorb consume him and then return to his twenty-year sleep without hassling anybody else.

The Gorb reached excitedly for his slippery meal with his razor sharp fins. However, as soon as the dimwitted, selfish creature touched the electric eel, a surge zoomed through his body, causing an immediate and painful death.

The electric eel laughed aloud at the outcome of The Gorb’s combination of greed and stupidity and then continued his daily lap around the now vacant abyss.

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