Chill | Teen Ink


May 23, 2013
By Christy Morrow BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Christy Morrow BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Chill walks into a crowded school
Rather than getting tied up in drama
He avoids it
Gossiping about people
He would never
People make fun of him
Who cares?

Chill walks down the hallways
He wears sweatpants, Converse, and a hoody
Who is he trying to impress?
That’s right,
No one.

Chill has his headphones in
That means he becomes oblivious to the world around him
He strolls around the school listening to Jack Johnson and The Dave Matthews Band
People are drawn to him
His nonchalant personality instantly attracts the ladies
There is mystery
What is he all about?
It’s up for interpretation.

Chill leaves school
He decides to just go for a drive
In his black jeep
Top down
Not a care
Not a stress
Not a worry
In the world could turn him into someone crazy

The author's comments:
We were given an assignment to personify and adjective.

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