Vignette of a soft spoken Capulet | Teen Ink

Vignette of a soft spoken Capulet

March 25, 2013
By nescaping GOLD, Corning, New York
nescaping GOLD, Corning, New York
15 articles 8 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Loyalty to petrified opinion never broke a chain or freed a human soul."—Mark Twain

Juliet lays on her deathbed, mouthing the words to a wonderful song like a fish out of water, gasping for oxygen, might struggle to sing. She inhales ragged, quick breaths; exhales, lips quivering, moist, quiet murmurs in the dark where no one can hear. She whispers her song with the desperation of a sinner at confessionals, like a prayer, textured with a benevolent melody from the faraway days during which she believed herself to be invincible.

She aches for her Romeo, an incorrigible sort of feeling from which no wiser man or woman could talk her down. As her life slips from her frigid body, she clings to their anthem with a broken voice and small, wretched fingers which clutch and claw at nothing in particular.

The author's comments:
A mouth sculpts the silent words to a song that might mean everything for the moment, reverent, fervent lips which form the shapes of would-be phrases that are caught in the unaware strength of a choking throat, intense in its enthusiasm to pay the melody a proper homage.

So young Capulet lays there, as she's dying, leaving her mark on time as forgotten sounds do on any path worth the journey.

Something like that. The emotion in that image is what inspired me.


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