The Wolf | Teen Ink

The Wolf

March 21, 2013
By grimtheguitarguru BRONZE, Provo, Utah
grimtheguitarguru BRONZE, Provo, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The starving wolf decided to glide it’s way to the nearest farm. The wolf knew it must remain quiet and stealthy, especially when the farm was very near. It knew that the way to the chickens, lambs, and other small meats were well protected.

Out protecting the creatures were tall wiry straw men, wearing clothes and hats. The wolf knew it wasn’t a real human but it still didn’t make the wolf feel any better about getting its next meal. Along with the tall straw person were the somewhat distantly related canine creature; bred and born to protect and serve its master.

The wolf kept its piercing gray eyes on the thick white shaggy beast. Moving ever so carefully through bushes and trees, the wolf caught sight of a tall upright standing object. It was hard to tell if it was just another wiry straw man, but the way it strode freely across the yard projected other unfortunate thoughts.

The upright walking humanoid was heading back towards the fields of wheat. He strode gently in brisk strides while wearing what looked like thick, dark brown boots, dark blue jeans, and a neatly tucked in red plaid shirt. Yellow and dark blue stripes stretched across the lengths of his long sleeved shirt, then topped off with a wide-brimmed hat (which seemed like the same material the fake scare-men were made of) and a red handkerchief tied around the head of the hat for accent. The wolf hadn’t seen it before, but then all of the sudden, the wolf’s sharp eyes were drawn to what looked like an oddly shaped small tree with a bright metallic cylinder attached to it.

The wolf then knew exactly what it was. It was the object that took away the lives of many other creatures that tried to take from the farm. The object that made a loud sound and with the sound came a mysterious sudden death and black smoke that ominously rose up in the sky from the object. Not knowing the truth about the weapon, the word around the forest was that it was called according to humans as a “rifle”.

The wolf’s fur was standing on edge knowing that there was a large probability of death. Now having second thoughts, the wolf took off sprinting away from the farm. The wolf suddenly heeled to a stop. It knew that it couldn’t simply run. Starvation was not an option.

Swinging around, the wolf ran at full speed towards the farm. Not paying attention to the actual animated mammals, the wolf ran full speed to the hen house. The wolf though that it could much easier swipe multiple chickens than trying to take down a single lamb.

Coming in full charge the sheep dog tackled the wolf. White fangs baring at the wolf, the dog chopped the wolf. The wolf slid back and swung a ferocious paw towards the face of the dog. Connecting directly with the dog, the impact knocked the dog down, leaving it disoriented.
Taking it as an opportunity to run, the wolf ran into the henhouse.

The frantic hens flapped around helplessly, but not all were panicking like the rest. A group of hens were paralyzed with unrelenting fear. The wolf stared at them sadly, knowing that it was necessary to kill in order to survive. In one massive stroke of the jaw three hens were caught by the necks and taken away by the wolf. The wolf felt somewhat heavier with three new guests in its mouth, but kept pressing forward.

The dog was once again awake and active and pursued the wolf. It was a cops and robbers chase as the dog strode menacingly towards the wolf. But soon to follow was a new enemy. In full pursuit, the well-built farmer effortlessly flew across the farm towards them. In his grasp was the terrifying weapon called the “rifle”.

The farmer rapidly approaching finally took the chance and took the shot. The thunderous roar of the weapon made the wolf and the dog both stutter for just a moment. Looking back, the wolf saw the dog injured on the ground, hind leg bleeding. The farmer also paused looking mournfully at the dog, but soon once again began the chase.

With new purpose, the farmers pace quickened and the farmers approach seemed to grow faster and faster. The wolf losing breath started to slow. But without mercy, once again the farmer rose his weapon and shot. Striking directly into the rump of the wolf, the wolf whimpered and dropped a single hen in the process.

The wolf, knowing its duty, knew it could not stop, thinking of others in mind. The farmer also began to feel winded and started to slow. But the wolf continued desperately trying to ignore the pain. Near the edge of the farm, the farmer stopped entirely. Finally, totally winded, The wolf took it as a chance to slow down a bit and calm down.

After about half an hour, the wolf then entered into the area of the woods that it called its own. The area that was hidden between the tallest tree and the cave near a hidden stream. Slowing down even more so, the wolf finally arrived at its destination.

Two tiny, white-haired, blue-eyed pups gladly bounced their way towards their momma that had finally, and at last, brought them their meal. The she wolf limped towards them and dropped the poultry from its mouth, and gave a single chicken to each of the pups. The pups appreciatively accepted and took position over to the stream to start eating.

The momma wolf, satisfied, sat down gently and watched her pups eat. It was good enough for her knowing that her pups were going to be full and happy. It was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

When both pups were nearly done, they both looked at each other and grabbed a nearly whole chicken and brought it towards their mom. Both holding the chicken, dropped it on the paws of their mom. Momma wolf leaned down and gently pressed her nose to each of her pups in appreciation. Momma wolf began to eat and the pups rounded their way to their moms wound. Taking turns, both pups licked and cared for the wound. When the momma was satisfied that it was good and clean, she motioned her head towards the poultry by the stream. Understanding, they once again went to the head of their mom and gave a respectful kiss to her.

Now everyone had a meal, everyone was happy, everyone cared for, and everyone loved. All thanks to their, loving, devoted, fearless mother.

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