All that You do Matters | Teen Ink

All that You do Matters

March 11, 2013
By evrabel BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
evrabel BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All that You do Matters
Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Mollie looks over at her alarm that is beeping in her ear and notices that it’s much later than she expected. She expected to have enough time to work out, shower, and eat. Now she only has enough time to get dressed. Any other day Mollie would have been fine, but not today because today was her interview at the New York Times. She had been dreaming about working there ever since she was little. Not only was her dream job to become a writer there, but she sacrificed all her money, so she could move to the city.

As Mollie jumps out of bed; she says out loud a list of what she needed to do: “Get dressed, get coffee, and don’t forget brief case….” Throwing together a cute outfit was always a strong suit of hers. She finds her grey pencil skirt and a white blouse, than puts on the outfit. She knew that wasn’t dressed up enough especially for a job interview, so she goes to her closet and opens a cabinet which is filled from top to bottom with accessories. She grabs her favorite necklace and bracelet than rushes off to her shoes. After browsing all fifty pairs, she decides to pick the black heels with a white at the toe. Looking at the clock she rushes toward the kitchen and fills the mug up with coffee and sprints out the door.

Mollie cannot believe the time. She hits the elevator button and waits to hear the ding. As the doors open she rushes out and notices the rain. As if her day could not get worse, getting a cab will be a night mare. Waiting under the awning, she tries’ her best to catch a cab. All of the cabs were taken. After waiting she runs over to the cab, but doesn’t notice a man that is going for the same cab. They both run into each other at the door. Mollie looks at the man standing over her and notices that he is dripping wet, as if he just walked ten blocks in the rain. Mollie opens the door and says, “You can take this one. I’ll catch the next one.” He gives her a smile and hops in the cab.

After a while, Mollie spots another cab. She jumps in and says, “3rd and 5th please.” The driver speeds off. She reviews in her head what she is going to say. She has never been more nervous in her life and on top of it she might be arriving late. She makes up excuses in her head, but she knows that is not the way to go. When she was thinking about all of that she did not notice that she was almost there. She pays her cab driver and runs up to the building. Springs into the first open elevator and presses 12. Arriving to the floor she steps off; than starts walking over to the receptionist desk to check in. Right before she was about to sit down her, name gets called. She follows the lady to the back and she gets shown where to sit. The man turns around in his chair and says, “So tell me about you.” He looks at her and smiles. It took her a second to realize where she had seen him before than he says. “Thanks for the cab. I have never met anyone who would do that for a stranger, especially in New York.” Mollie grins and says, “Looked like you needed the ride more than I did.” He then states, “You seem perfect for the job.”

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