What are you dealing with? | Teen Ink

What are you dealing with?

March 11, 2013
By evrabel BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
evrabel BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

What are you dealing with?

The time is almost here. Your relationship is reaching that serious mark. With this you know what is going to come next. You have been dreading the day that you have to do this because you know that you are not the best at first impressions. A night like this makes you think of what could be worse than this and thinking that a root canal would be less painful. (Audience’s thoughts: What do you say? How should you act?) A million things are racing through your head. You’re probably thinking: WTF is she talking about!? Truth is it’s the dismal day when the person you are falling in love with decides to bring you home. Yes it’s that day and it is that time of the month reaching the seriousness point of the lovey dovey crap.
The day you meet the parents.

This is the day when your first impression means everything. You make one mistake or say one wrong thing that could be the end of what you thought could be your prince charming from Cinderella but instead he just puts the glass slipper back in a safe spot. If the parents don’t approve than you have some decisions to be made as to if the person is worth it. Deciding to do. We all want to know how we can get on their good side and build a relationship with them. But in reality it all depends on what types of parent you are dealing with. Most likely you will be dealing with one of the following:
The Workaholic Parents
If you are dealing with these parents you may have found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. This may mean that the parents will never be home to be able to meet you. Or one just might be home. Taking one at a time is easier than getting mombarted and papabarted at the same time. while feeding you all types of questions . Their Blackberries will most likely be glued to their faces or Bluetooth drilled in their ears, and unless you have a deadline send button on your forehead, they might fail to pay attention at all. Say you were to let out a big belch at the dinner table they wouldn’t even notice how greatly rude table manners that you have.
The Spy Parents
These are the parents that you have to watch yourself the most around. They are the ones that are overprotective and keep an ankle bracelet on their kids. They constantly must know what is going on in their children’s life. BEWARE of what you are saying and make sure you tell the truth. You never know if they had a PI (private investigator) look into you. When you go to a movie, make sure YOUR BABYKINZ holds your hand first!
The Awkward Parents
I have pity for you if these are these are the parents you have to deal with. These are the type of parents that don’t know how to act like normal human beings. be normal . Either they talk too much or they don’t talk enough. And when they might talk it will most likely be a random topic like whats the proper length to keep your grass. Either way you will check your clock so much that you think it’s broken, but in reality you just looked at it ten seconds ago.
The BFF Parents
These are the parents that will be friends first with their kids. If you have to deal with these parents, they most likely will be chill and lay back about what their child does because of the open relationship they have. So talking about sex and partying would be normal. most things . However, there is down sides because since they’re hip and tight with their child it means they have no secrets from each other. So warning, the parents most likely know your deepest darkest secrets. You may want to get out of there fast before it becomes story time and all eyes are on you.
The Wild Parents
Everyone has heard of these parents, but they are rare to find. If you are having trouble thinking of one Regina George’s mother in the movie “Mean Girls” is a perfect example. Their parenting style is different than all the others. They seem to think that they are the teenagers and what they do will not have a consequence. If you have to deal with these parents, you have no worries. But don’t be surprised if your lover tells you one day that there parent got arrested or that their mom has a boob job.

6. The Old fashioned Classy Parents
They will bring you a taste of the old and days… Literally the mom will be preparing a sumptuous dinner. that will be a five courses. Don’t be surprised if you spot the mother wearing a nice set of pearls and if she has a collection in all sorts of spontaneous colors. When you sit down for dinner, you will think you’re in a sixties movie by the way the family is acting all preppy and polite. Be prepared at dinner to answer a lot of questions like where do you see yourself in ten years and what jobs are you going to peruse. If you are dating their daughter, print up your résumé and know where your future is going because dad will be grilling you with questions. If you are dating their son, you better sit up straight in that chair .
So there are five important actions to remember when you are at one of these dinners. No matter what parent you are dealing with make sure you do the following or that relationship you were hoping lasted a long time will be over by the end of the night.
1. ALWAYS us your manners. (Thank you, please, your welcome, etc..)
2. NEVER EVER, EVER use vulgar language. I don’t care how comfortable you feel around them, but swearing will make you come off as trashy.
3. Don’t be too talkative but don’t just sit there. (Allow them to talk than you respectfully respond.)
4. Answer all the questions with a full responds. (Ya and nah are NOT acceptable.)
5. Make eye contact, don’t show that you are intimidated

Good luck to you. Hopefully you picked a keeper. If not keep on looking.

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