blue striped sweater | Teen Ink

blue striped sweater

March 11, 2013
By haley stueber BRONZE, Vernon Hills, Illinois
haley stueber BRONZE, Vernon Hills, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I looked up from the clothes rack and there she was, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. Her long blonde hair flowing all the way down to the small of her back;, I could have sworn she looked right at me with those blue eyes, which pierced into my heart - I would be hers . I saw that she had a blue striped sweater draped over her left arm, as I tried to make my way over towards her. The crowed was so thick I lost sight of her my heart was pounding; I had to find her again.

I sprinted to the register and paid for my items, trying not to rush the cashier. I ran out of the store into the mall crowded with people, I looked around to find her and there she was holding that striped blue sweater. I tried to make it over to her and she just walks into another store. My heart is over flowing, my stomach has butterflies I can’t escape this feeling. I know I don’t know her but those blues are pulling me in. Pushing through people to get to her I ran into someone-“I’m so sorry please excuse me” I look up and it’s someone from work, He’s a nice guy but once he gets talking you can’t get him to stop. I told him I was in a rush, which makes him start rambling on about how the copy machine broke last week a topic I didn’t really care about.omething I didn’t really care about. I tell him again that I have to go and we say our goodbyes, I start searching for her again looking for that Rapunzel like hair And those eyes that could make history .

I can’t find her, maybe I’m not meant to meet her, and this isn’t what I think it is. May be its all in my head and I shouldn’t approach her, but if I don’t- could I be making a mistake . I look up and she’s standing there looking at the mall map, using her fingers to find the store she is looking for. She starts walking again; I’m trying to build up the nerve to approach her. But what would I say? I feel like anything I try to say would sound like ridiculous to her, like word vomit- uncontrollable word vomit. I see her enter another store again, looking over people to see the name of the store I see that’s it’s called men’s warehouse, and I think to myself why is she going into a men’s store? May be she’s buying something for someone? I’m feeling a little confused by this or disappointed I don’t know I can’t get my thoughts straight when I look at her.Oh well.

I turn around and walk away thinking that this isn’t right and I should just forget about this woman, just go on with my life like I haven’t just seen the girl of my dreams. I go into the food court, get something to drink and start to read my new book .Then I realize that she is all I can think about, nothing I do can make me get my mind off her. Every time I close my eyes I see hers . I open my eyes, and of course there she is again holding that blue striped sweater. She was sitting at a table alone, she seemed to be waiting for someone she was looking around, and checking her watch, I begin to approach her, “excuse m-). A man walks up to her and takes her in his arms and kisses her, she hands him that striped blue sweater and underneath it was a wedding band on her fourth finger on her left hand-“I noticed your shoe was untied I didn’t want you to trip…” “Oh my gosh thank you sir!!” She says to me. I guess it wasn’t meant to be…I guess it wasn’t meant to be …

The author's comments:
This piece is about the struggling within yourself when you want something and you just dont know whether to go for it or not.

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