I Don't Care: A short narrative | Teen Ink

I Don't Care: A short narrative

February 26, 2013
By DD_Yellow GOLD, Papillion, Nebraska
DD_Yellow GOLD, Papillion, Nebraska
11 articles 1 photo 8 comments

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ce la vi :)

“Mary will tell you all about it” said the person who came up to me while I was sitting down. But honestly why would I give a damn about what Mary had to say to me, is not like I cared about my punishment. There was no one in this school that would make me care about myself or my health or my school. That was just it. I didn’t care. After all is not like someone in this whole wide world cared about me.
I mean, my dad certainly was the first one to notice I was not worth it, he left the same day my mother told him I was in the way, then my mother taking all those drugs to cope with the pain of losing him. She didn’t care that I stole a couple of grams for myself, then my brother who f*ing bailed on the two of us to go to college. He didn’t eve care that I got in a gang fight the night before he left. He just packed his things and left us all behind.
No, I wouldn’t care about what I had to do as a punishment for hitting that bully because I don’t care about what happens to that bully, he had it coming and I had warned him to get out of my sight.
No one gives a damn about others, no one cares what the neighbor does as long as that doesn’t affect them. This is just a selfish apathetic world that you have to live and survive on your own.
They could send me to death row for all I cared, I just don’t want to be alive in this world anymore.

The author's comments:
A girl goes through the pain of loosing her dad, the pain of a mother that does drugs, and a brother who leaves her behind.


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