Bittersweet | Teen Ink


January 15, 2013
By brieee_lynn BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
brieee_lynn BRONZE, Muskegon, Michigan
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writing is the most intense form of individualism alive. <3

Run, Hide, and Escape these thoughts spun around in my head like a spider spins his intricate webs. There is no way out of here there is just here. No windows or doors to shed light on this dark, hopeless world. I think about running around, or maybe banging on the walls, but no one could hear me, so why waste my energy? I hear it again. I hear them coming, demanding I do bad things, demanding me to hurt and cause pain. I do not want to do this, but honestly what choice do I have? I cannot escape. Only they know the secret way out of this place, and they refuse to tell me it unless I do what they expect of me. I am locked up here, enclosed by these walls of black being taunted by a haunting voice. It promises me sweet delight if I listen, so I do. I embrace the horrific monster it tells me to be. They were right it is sweet, but not the delightful sweetness they promised it is more of a bittersweet. Bittersweet is better than being enclosed in darkness. Bittersweet I can live with.

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