Inner thought | Teen Ink

Inner thought

December 13, 2012
By mark.westshore BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
mark.westshore BRONZE, Melbourne, Florida
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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All my life I’ve lost. I lost in school, life, and always seemed to be in a financial slump. Its as if god destined me to be homeless. Destined to be shivering drenched in the icy cold rain of Chicago. Destined to live everyday as if it were my last. I wouldn’t consider myself as a religious man, I never really was. You could say that’s partially why my mother and father threw out their only child. They said they wanted me gone, so I left and I never came back. I think I’ve been better off this way, there was to much misery and anger in that old apartment. My mother and father were always fighting and yelling. It’s been so long though, so long I’ve forgotten their names, what they look like. But that doesn’t matter anymore. The only thing that matters now is how the rest of my life unfolds.

The author's comments:
This piece was made for a grade in my english class. The piece is of a homeless person's thought.

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