the deer | Teen Ink

the deer

December 14, 2012
By thediego BRONZE, Garland, Texas
thediego BRONZE, Garland, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
what dosent kill you makes you stronger

Once upon a time, a chilly moist day. Two unknown rednecks were cruising jamming to country music. The huge uproar warned many animals of foreigners well most of them. A deaf deer approach the center of the hunting ring. BANG!!! The shot cleanly killed the poor dear suffocated by the bullet. As the gruesome body fell down the guys arrived posing for a picture. As the tress whistle and night was arriving the lift the body and to their truck and drove off. Were the body the once lovely deer played new flowers started to grow. As the rumor spreads of apparitions that a white deer warns animals of danger or is living the rest of his life walking the rest of this earth. After that the hunters were charge animal cruelty after that no other sightings were recorded of the the deer his soul was finally put to rest.

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