Sanctuary | Teen Ink


November 9, 2012
By Lauren818 SILVER, Sagamore Hills, Ohio
Lauren818 SILVER, Sagamore Hills, Ohio
8 articles 8 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Pay attention to the ordinary momenets. Open your eyes. Because you never know when something ordinary becomes extraordinary. Because the moments that take your breathe away are the moments that save your life

Upon your first impressions of me, you wouldn’t know that sometimes I sit alone on a hill overlooking the inhabitants of my world with nothing but the quiet, dark recesses of my mind. A place where I can see and notice things most people ignore. Always watching, never acknowledged. This is my safe haven, my refuge, my asylum. In this sanctuary, I am free of all chains I’ve unintentionally bound myself with - chains characterized simply by my inability to allow myself to feel the deepest and truest affections of another person, holding me back from any contingencies of love. Only here do I willingly confess my cowardice discomposure of the beauty that comes with such affections. Only here, in this sanctuary, do I allow myself to make the depths of my heart, the yearnings of my soul accessible. Only here do I make my fears known. What if I were to put my full trust in someone only to have them betray me? What if I’m incapable of loving another? What if I end up losing myself? You see, it is because of these hidden worries that I have created this sanctuary. Without this place, my fears and weaknesses would be exposed - a possibility I cannot seem to cope with. And where is this place, this refuge you may ask? Look no further, I should say, because mine is a place only accessible in the depths of my mind.


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