Kidnapped | Teen Ink


June 28, 2008
By Anonymous

The girl and boy were sitting on sticky, wet grass, and whispering. The girl’s tone was pleading, but the boy’s tone was appalled.

“I love you!” the girl kept murmuring. “I love you, I love you!”

The boy only stared now, speechless. He was grimacing as though in unbearable pain, but the girl didn’t seem to notice. She kept repeating the same three words.

“What?” she finally said. “You d-don’t love me back?”

His upper lip pulled back over his teeth, which he had to unclench to speak. “Uh. . . . No.” How did I even get here? he thought. “But . . . I will . . . if you . . .” He spotted something and, suddenly, he was smiling. “. . .climb that tree!”

The girl blinked, confused. “Huh? What tree?”

“That tree!” He hastily pointed to it, almost poking her eye out.

“B-but what if I f-fall?” she squealed, gaping up at it.

The boy bit his lip, considering. “You won’t! I’ll catch you!”

This seemed to cheer her up. “Well . . . oh, fine. Okay.”

When the girl reached the top of the tree, she grabbed the nearest branch and swung herself onto it. She slipped, but her hold was strong—as was her determination—and she was able to avoid the deadly fall. She looked down proudly, her eyes scanning the dark greens for the face she knew and loved—the face of the boy who she had drugged and carried to this exact location in the woods. He’d left her with no other options.

Unfortunately, before she could utter a word, a rock hit her on the side of the head and, with a loud squeak, she plunged into the darkness.

The boy started to run, glad that he’d found a way to escape, but just before the girl hit the ground she sprouted enormous wings on her forehead. The wings sort of acted as a parachute, yanking her up into the air and then letting her descend slowly.

The boy saw this as he looked over his shoulder, and screamed (in a very feminine fashion).

He was never seen again.

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