Social Demolition | Teen Ink

Social Demolition

June 22, 2008
By Anonymous

With every step I took I could feel the pain oozing through each and every vein. The pain I had not yet received, but which I knew would soon arrive. I opened the unusually heavy door to the building in which my social life would be destroyed. I walked across the cold empty room to the wooden desk where I signed my name down to be socially murdered. Behind the desk my enemy’s accomplice gave other victims an appointment for their social destruction. I turned my back to her and faced the empty room again. I noticed something new, a chair, in the far corner. The chair pleased me for it was far from my opponent and his accomplice. I lowered into the cold steel chair and closed my eyes. I searched my mind for daydreams to distract myself from the upcoming moments. Every daydream I thought of ended up in the same cold and empty room. I figured I could spend my time readying myself for the future to come. The wait that I planned to use to prepare for the humiliation of the months and years to come was ripped away by the accomplice of this evil man. As I was told, I raised myself and reluctantly walked toward a door that I had not noticed before. I placed my hand on the round metal knob and slowly turned it.

My eyes adjusted easier than my mind did to the sudden contrast of the rooms. The room I was now in was full of items and painted in a mix of vibrant colors. I saw my enemy holding his metal weapons over the chair I would soon be laying in. The sight sent goose bumps down my spine. Only a minimum of small talk was exchanged in the process of my laying down. I closed my eyes and sensed my enemy moving in on me. A bright blinding light met my eyes as I opened them. It was obvious to me that my social life was flashing in front of my eyes. I squinted to try to make out images in the light, but all I could see were two hands closing in on me. I opened my mouth to scream but nothing came out. Instead I felt pain shooting through my mouth as if someone was punching me over and over again. Soon the light blurred out and pitch black took over.

I felt eyes burning holes into my face as I walked out onto the street. I lowered my head as if to hide my face. A familiar boy stopped and stared at me with wide eyes. He told me that there was something different about me.

I looked up and cried “He said you would barely notice them.”

“Who? Notice what?” asked the boy as he kept staring.

“My enemy! My arch-rival,”I said as I turned. “He’s the one who gave me the braces.”

“Your dentist?” he called after me as I ran off down the street. “Your enemy is your dentist?”

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