Enemy's line | Teen Ink

Enemy's line

March 15, 2012
By Shadoww GOLD, Oak Lawn, Illinois
Shadoww GOLD, Oak Lawn, Illinois
14 articles 0 photos 3 comments

“What’s wrong with you?”
They didn’t understand
“Tell us why”
They didn’t really care
“Are you crazy?”
They wouldn’t listen
“We can protect you. We can give you what he can’t”
They knew that was a lie
“Can you really leave us? Your friends? Your family?”
They didn’t want her to go
“Why can’t you understand?”
They wouldn’t accept it
“If you go with him. . . You won’t be part of the troop”
They were scared
“Did you forget that he’s the enemy?”
They became her enemy
“Once you cross enemy lines, you will become our enemy”
She would take her chances
“Fine go with him! Abandon us”
And so the group of four left. All of them left. Richard, he was the leader. Catherine, she was the optimistic. Gary, he was the youngest. and Victor, the “big brother”. Only Victor knew why she left with Jason, “their enemy.”
Only he understood that,
Didn’t make Diana choose.


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