My Secret World | Teen Ink

My Secret World

September 19, 2010
By openheart SILVER, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
openheart SILVER, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"Earth is crammed with heaven." -Elizabeth Barret Browning

Fabrics and jewels, fancy purses, and colorful lip sticks fill the room. The mere glows with the morning mist. The light smell of perfume dangles in the air. Colors,and textures lie in the secret world a closet. Fingers tips, painted with smooth Cranberry nail polish, gently glide over the sartorial garments. Glitter and sparkle fill a soul full of pure indivuality.
Each botton, earing, and braclet is just as important as the Cardagon that accompanies it. There are no boundaries, only rules to brake and creativity to explore.
Vibrant colors flow in the twirl of a skirt, accompanied by a voluptuous silk blouce. Clip clop go the heels of Italin leather, each step confidence impowers this feminine flower.
Shimmering in the light, thick brown curls bouncing from side to side, she walks out of her world ready to survive, in the wild of the city.

The author's comments:
"In this world of expectation, style has none. It let's you be who you want to be."


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