Rebecca and the Doll | Teen Ink

Rebecca and the Doll

July 21, 2024
By Eleanor___The___Cat BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Eleanor___The___Cat BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
2 articles 2 photos 2 comments

    “I will, I will.”

    I tried everything to turn Flora the doll off. From actually pulling the switch on her to throwing her to the ground. Nothing is working, and it doesn’t seem like it will. 

    Grandma died just weeks ago, exactly on her 70th birthday. The cause of her death is unknown. Mom and Dad didn’t want to keep her childhood doll. 

    It was almost bedtime anyways, so I took Flora out of her usual chair where she stared at me with her blue glass eyes. I was going to lock her up in the closet. 

    But suddenly, I heard a cracking noise. That’s when I realized I dropped Flora on the ground.

    But before I could pick her up, she was starting to say “I will, I will” In a less childish tone. 

    “Creepy little thing.”

    Just when I whispered that, The doll turned her head all on her own. I could then see a bloody looking red crack on the side of her head.

    “I will, I will, take you away from your family” 

    I gasped. “Did she just say–” 

    “You will never see them again. Never ever again.” Flora said as she started to stand up.

    “I will, I will, destroy you.”

    As scared as I was, screaming in horror, I picked up Flora and quickly taped her up tightly into the closet wall. She then stopped talking, and that’s when I knew she wouldn’t do harm to me anymore. 

    I slowly walked to bed, I was done for the day.


    I felt something sticky on top of my mouth, so I tried to use my hand to feel it, but I couldn’t get my hand, or even my neck, to move. 

    I tried to yell “Help me! Help me!” But it came out muffled.

    I realized that I was in my closet, and what stuck me to the floor was duct tape.

    I saw Flora again, walking towards me. She somehow escaped the strong tape. “We.. killed your Grandma…. And now we’ll kill you!”

   “We?” I yelled. 

   “Meet my friends… They’ll help you.” 

   Soon, I saw a whole army of different creepy-looking dolls coming towards me. Some had brown or blonde hair, blue or brown eyes, and were wearing all kinds of dresses.

    It seemed like there was no way of escaping what was going on. 

   “That’s it, I’m going to die, I know I am.” I thought.


   I woke up once again in a hospital room, machines were all around me. In front of me, I saw Mom, Dad, and Tom.

   “Oh, Rebecca! Thank goodness you’re awake!” 

   “Wha– What happened?” I thought. 

    Dad looked serious.  “Let’s not discuss that. We are just happy you’re alive.” 

   Suddenly, a female doctor came rushing into our room.

   “Help– Help me. There’s a scary doll in my office, she’s following me!” 




    “I will, I will.”

    I tried everything to turn Flora the doll off. From actually pulling the switch on her to throwing her to the ground. Nothing is working, and it doesn’t seem like it will. 

    Grandma died just weeks ago, exactly on her 70th birthday. The cause of her death is unknown. Mom and Dad didn’t want to keep her childhood doll. 

    It was almost bedtime anyways, so I took Flora out of her usual chair where she stared at me with her blue glass eyes. I was going to lock her up in the closet. 

    But suddenly, I heard a cracking noise. That’s when I realized I dropped Flora on the ground.

    But before I could pick her up, she was starting to say “I will, I will” In a less childish tone. 

    “Creepy little thing.”

    Just when I whispered that, The doll turned her head all on her own. I could then see a bloody looking red crack on the side of her head.

    “I will, I will, take you away from your family” 

    I gasped. “Did she just say–” 

    “You will never see them again. Never ever again.” Flora said as she started to stand up.

    “I will, I will, destroy you.”

    As scared as I was, screaming in horror, I picked up Flora and quickly taped her up tightly into the closet wall. She then stopped talking, and that’s when I knew she wouldn’t do harm to me anymore. 

    I slowly walked to bed, I was done for the day.


    I felt something sticky on top of my mouth, so I tried to use my hand to feel it, but I couldn’t get my hand, or even my neck, to move. 

    I tried to yell “Help me! Help me!” But it came out muffled.

    I realized that I was in my closet, and what stuck me to the floor was duct tape.

    I saw Flora again, walking towards me. She somehow escaped the strong tape. “We.. killed your Grandma…. And now we’ll kill you!”

   “We?” I yelled. 

   “Meet my friends… They’ll help you.” 

   Soon, I saw a whole army of different creepy-looking dolls coming towards me. Some had brown or blonde hair, blue or brown eyes, and were wearing all kinds of dresses.

    It seemed like there was no way of escaping what was going on. 

   “That’s it, I’m going to die, I know I am.” I thought.


   I woke up once again in a hospital room, machines were all around me. In front of me, I saw Mom, Dad, and Tom.

   “Oh, Rebecca! Thank goodness you’re awake!” 

   “Wha– What happened?” I thought. 

    Dad looked serious.  “Let’s not discuss that. We are just happy you’re alive.” 

   Suddenly, a female doctor came rushing into our room.

   “Help– Help me. There’s a scary doll in my office, she’s following me!” 

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