Arrogance- Flash Fiction | Teen Ink

Arrogance- Flash Fiction

April 30, 2024
By Chloecheronis10 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
Chloecheronis10 BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I encountered Arrogance’s deceiving smile at the age of twelve. He was the problem child and the class clown, constantly seeking attention in the form of praise and antagonization. He appeared to me as bothersome middle school boys, who liked to sound much smarter than they were. Arrogance only grew from there. As Intelligence in my generation has progressed, Arrogance liked to follow her around. I have found that social issues and youth can form much Arrogance. It is important for us to form opinions, but not always to keep them. Take social media for example. I have found that Arrogance loves to creep into my feed. If you trust him, Arrogance will help you form opinions that are not aligned with your morals. Arrogance will make you believe a stupid TikTok that spreads false information. Arrogance infiltrates all arts, politics, and media. However, everyone sees him differently. My arrogance might be your Intelligence and vice versa. You just have to know how to look for him. 

The author's comments:

I wrote this for my creative writing class!

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