Haunted house on Raven St. | Teen Ink

Haunted house on Raven St.

April 26, 2024
By Anonymous

The house on Raven Street was well known in the neighborhood for there being a murder happening in it, and it has been abandoned ever since. Everyone just avoids it like it doesn't even exist. You can hear spirits mumbling while walking down the street past the house. Still being ignored by the regular neighborhood watchers.

   When the local officers investigate a haunted house, they get a rude awakening. As they entered the house, they were creeped out and didn't want to go in, but they knew their actions would have consequences if it didn't happen. So knowing that they had no choice but to suck it up. Eventually, making it into the house with things crawling around and noises being heard but not seen. Making the search process longer and more complex. They didn't want any spirits to attach to them or any paranormal activity around them. Already knowing about the deaths of a family of 5, a mother named Cecilia, a father named Bill, a set of 11-year-old twins named Ricky and Ava, and Stella, their 2-year-old daughter. All were killed in their house on Raven Street, with their spirits still living and roaming around in that house. The officer could hear the spirits whispering and whooshing sounds of them moving around them.

The house was not being moved around; not one thing was different from when the murder happened, and it was a little creepy to them. Trying to push that out and find out why they were being called to that house on Raven Street. The reason is that someone walking past heard someone screaming, "Help, I'm stuck." Going from room to room, looking and searching, trying to push out all the extra noise they discover. A cold beer with condensation and a warm plate of food in the master bedroom. Making them look at each other with panic faces and reach for their weapon, saying, "This is weird; we might just have to leave and come back later with more people or call for backup" "the second officer replied, "Well, what if they don't believe us and we made it this far for nothing" stating that they both looked at each other in conformation pulled out their weapons to be prepared for anything and continued their journey searching every room. Making it closer to the back of the house, they heard the person screaming, "Helppp, I'm stuck." Hearing that, they started to move faster towards the sound coming from the back of the house. They make it to the fifth and last door, but it's locked. Confused and not knowing the right way to get in the door, they try to kick it down and use their shoulder to get in. After not being successful, they backtrack to another room where they see a keyholder full of keys; just a glance at it, it looks like 25 different sets of keys. They go back and get all the keys. Having to test each one, one by one, the screams of the person start to fade away… 

      After trying to go through all the rooms going fast, scrummaging through all the clutter, knocking things over, glasses falling, and breaking on the floor. The officers rushing and trying not to cut themselves are out of breath. Going through all the rooms but 2, the screaming and yelling faded and stopped. Then, check the second from the last room, which is evident in the previous. It was pitch black, completely silenced. You could hear a pin drop. They pull out their flashlights to see the clear first half of the room and go to the back. They hear a shaky, nervous breathing pattern. They looked back at each other with confused faces because neither of them was the one breathing shakily like that. Suddenly, their walkie-talkies have statics, and it's turned to full blast. The officers screaming and scared, not knowing what to do, their flashlights flicker off. They rush for each other; they feel nothing. All the lights in the house start flashing, and they see this tall black figure in the room with them. All you can see are the eyes. With no movement in their body, they looked at each other petrified. Both try to run to the door, but suddenly, it slams closed. Pulling and tugging on the door, unable to open the first 7 times, finally budges. They yank the door as hard as possible, and it opens, and they end up falling on the floor while it opens. Running on the room door trying to run to the door, they're tripping over things, and an officer falls on her face. Out of nowhere, her ankle was grabbed by the all-black figure. Screaming for help, the other officer tries to call for backup, but there is no signal in the house. Confused and unsure what to do, they try to make it to the closet window to get a signal. After tripping and falling, she makes it to the window. Getting very little signal, she calls for help, "Help! We're in the haunted house Raven Street, and we're stuck with some type of paranormal spirit… helppp it got my partner, and I know where it went."... 

     With the little signal, she had the receiver at the station hear it and was confused. They hear nothing but static on the other as the signal goes in and out, so the words are patchy. "Help… we're…took…partner…raven st…" said the officer dispatch. "Ma'am, I can not understand what you're saying." The signal goes blank. The officer, Christina, is stressed and confused and realizes she's alone. She tries to turn her flashlight back on and walks down the hall, following her partner's whimpers and screams. After about 10 minutes, but of course, it feels like an hour to Christina. There are multiple sirens and lights outside of the house. She notices and feels relieved but still feels obligated to find her partner because "no man left behind." She rushes through each room, tripping and falling but not giving up. Back up, they finally built the courage to enter the haunted house, shouting, "Police!! Is anybody in here" She replied, "I'm in here in the back office, Christina, badge number 8624, with my partner Asia. But this black figure snatched her, and I can't find her". Backup joins in on searching the house and clearing room by room. Finally, it is pushed down to one room and let everyone come together to go in. Continuously hitting the door, it starts to shake, and you can feel the wood begin to give away one final hit and therein. As they enter, they see her in the corner, just sitting there rocking back and forth, confused, not conscious of what's going on. They all gather around her to do a simple check-up while one officer goes outside and calls an ambulance to come get her and take her to jail. The ambulance arrives, and they rush her out to get fluids and to the hospital to figure out if she's ok. While at the hospital, they realize she doesn't remember anything that happened in that house. The hospital is confused, and her partner Christina is very confused because she remembers everything that happened very well and even still has nightmares about it. She is now in therapy trying to get her memory back that she has lost since it's not just the house that has gone from her memory but the past 3 years of her life.

The author's comments:

The writer of this piece is a very shy quite laid back person. That just developed a love for writing and uses it as a way to express themselves.

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