Life in the Future | Teen Ink

Life in the Future

April 24, 2024
By ikbrace BRONZE, Eminence, Kentucky
ikbrace BRONZE, Eminence, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Life will be dystopian. From having a giant virtual reality world like Ready Player One to having a set number of children and rules like The Giver. The only thing that will be advanced is technology, not the good kind. People want to live in a simulation world to escape the horrid reality. But, there won't be as many people in society. This is because there will be imputed government rules where you have to have a certain amount of children. Another theory is that we will have a corrupted government—high taxes. As a result of this, the murder and homicide rates will be a lot higher, or overall higher crime rates. People will rely on other people for money. Thus, people kill each other. With murder rates being high, suicide rates will also be high. People will be killing themselves because maybe their family member(s) got murdered by someone. There would be a lot more anger in the world. The school system will not be how it is now. classrooms will have robotic teachers, and most kids/students will not be as smart as kids in today's society are, even though today's children are known to be less "smart" than other generations are. Life in the future is not what most people think it would be. Most people think we will have an advanced future with flying cars and really advanced technology. But, I don't believe society will be like that. Society is already going downhill, and it will just keep getting worse. 100 years isn't very far away. But, the closer we get, the worse society is getting. If we don't change the world now, society will be worse than I imagine it to be.


The future will not be a good place to live, and we are the future... society is doomed.

The author's comments:

How I think life would be like in about 100 years, my class wrote it for an ELA assignment, but I really believe how it is going to be like in the future.

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