Irrelevant Tangents | Teen Ink

Irrelevant Tangents

January 23, 2024
By Walnews BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
Walnews BRONZE, Franklin, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

You’re sitting in detention, passing time away by scratching shapes into a table. Or is it a table? You can’t tell because everything is mishappening. They say that your mind tends to wander whenever it likes. Maybe that's why you’re in detention. It takes too much energy to fight the wanderlust that your mind has, so you succumb to it. It takes you far. Very far. It takes you to a parallel dimension where pineapples rule as intergalactic diplomats, disco-dancing giraffes organize secret moonlit parties, and quantum marshmallows debate the meaning of life, a group of rebellious rubber ducks has embarked on a quest to discover the elusive recipe for time-traveling spaghetti. Armed with confetti cannons and harmonica-playing flamingos, they traverse kaleidoscopic landscapes filled with talking bubbles and levitating tacos, all while wearing mismatched socks as a symbol of their cosmic defiance against the ordinary.

Beneath the mystical cucumber constellation, a society of sentient staplers engages in competitive skydiving using paperclip parachutes. Meanwhile, mischievous typewriters host poetry slams for rebellious quarks seeking existential enlightenment. The cosmic symphony is conducted by a quantum kangaroo with a penchant for interpretive dance, while floating marshmallows serve as the ethereal audience, applauding in gravitational waves. In this whimsical universe, gravity plays hopscotch, and conversations between stardust particles are written in glittery calligraphy on the fabric of spacetime.

Within the realm of whimsy, sentient pocket watches engage in heated debates over the concept of linear time while juggling interdimensional keychains. Unicycling penguins, adorned in top hats and monocles, orchestrate synchronized swimming performances for a mesmerized audience of levitating jellybeans. Quantum squirrels navigate quantum forests, rearranging the colors of the leaves based on the emotions of passing photons. Amidst this kaleidoscopic tapestry, whimsical door hinges moonlight as stand-up comedians, delivering punchlines that resonate across dimensions.

Beneath a sky painted with cosmic hues, sentient teardrops gather to compose poetic verses that echo through the valleys of eternity. Time-traveling origami cranes fold themselves into intricate sculptures, revealing glimpses of ancient stories whispered by the winds. Quantum butterflies flutter gracefully, leaving trails of iridescent patterns that map the dreams of dandelions on their whimsical voyage. Meanwhile, constellations engage in celestial charades, acting out tales of forgotten galaxies for the cosmic audience. In this surreal realm, door hinges harbor the wisdom of centuries, creaking melodies that resonate with the heartbeat of the universe.

Beyond the horizon of the mind, where the realms of imagination meet the depths of the subconscious, lies a world where abstract concepts intertwine to form a tapestry of intricate emotions. The colors of the soul blend like a symphony, creating melodies that resonate with the rhythm of the universe. Auras dance in unison with the wind, casting vibrant shadows across the landscape. The whispers of the trees carry secrets that have been passed down through generations, while the stars in the sky twinkle with stories of distant galaxies. Here, the unknown and the familiar merge into a seamless whole, unveiling the mysteries of existence in a never-ending cycle of creation and destruction.

In a world where rainbows are made of cotton candy and unicorns deliver mail, a group of adventurous llamas have set out on a quest to find the legendary fountain of youth. Equipped with magic wands and flying turtles, they travel through meadows filled with singing mushrooms and talking trees, all while wearing hats made of rainbow-colored feathers as a symbol of their bold journey against the mundane. Below the twinkling starry sky, a society of wise caterpillars engages in philosophical debates on the meaning of existence. Meanwhile, mischievous fireflies host disco parties for adventurous fire ants seeking a break from their daily routine. The cosmic opera is conducted by a cosmic flamingo with a love for jazz music, while floating marshmallows serve as the ethereal audience, swaying to the rhythm in cosmic harmony. In this enchanting cosmos, physics plays hide and seek, and conversations between flowers are written in shimmering calligraphy on the canvas of nature. Conscious beams of gamma radiation engrave binary digits on cheese curds that lather themselves in aloe vera gel.



You crave more information.

You zoom out desperate to see the whole picture.

You want to know everything.

You need to know everything.

But Why?

You don’t know.

Thousands, no, Millions of different events happening at the same time bedazzle the blank ethereal nothingness that you are used to.

They are shimmering in and out of existence, although each one of them stays in your brain, like an insignia, branded into flesh with hot metal.

The shimmering slows, allowing more dull, darkness to fill its place.

It is black now.

Sounds flood your ears.

Words flood your eyes

You’re leaving this world. This universe. This dimension. This realm.

You have a moment of pure self-awareness.

You finally understand why you are here.

You came here to battle one of humanity's oldest battles.

The battle against boredom.

Your eyes open for the first time in what seems like millennia.

You’re sitting in detention.

The author's comments:

This story is inspired by boredom. Boredom pushes us to do things that we wouldn't have otherwise known we could do. Boredom might help us think of games or stories to help pass the time.

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