A Strange Helper | Teen Ink

A Strange Helper

December 20, 2023
By Anonymous

I didn’t know how long I had been walking. It was long enough for both my feet to feel like they were going to fall off. All I ever saw was just a forest, with nothing but tall trees. As I held myself up with a tree that was in better shape than the others, I was trying to get as much air in as possible, but I was so thirsty that I choked. After a few seconds of coughing, I looked ahead and noticed that someone was a couple feet away. A little girl, with her two stuffed animals, having a picnic. I had no idea how she didn’t hear me coughing my lungs out, or maybe she did and just didn’t care. I decided to walk over to her to see if she could tell me where I was. The closer I got, the more I could see what she was doing. She was sitting down on a little stool in front of what looked to be an old boxed suitcase. It was covered with a small blanket with some flowery patterns on it. The animals I thought were stuff, however, were real. A lobster somehow picking up the glass of tea with his claw and a hawk pecking at a piece of bread. When I approached the girl, hoping to get some help, she offered me some food and tea. I wasn’t sure whether to accept it or not. I was certain that she did something to the cup, but I was so parched, I thought that I might as well. The tea she prepared was delicious, it was actually the best I had ever tasted. She then asked if I wanted to try some brownies, I took two and ate them in seconds. After I rested for a few minutes, she helped me get to the main road, and I was able to get home safely. I had never seen that girl again, but I also had never forgotten how much she helped me.

The author's comments:

I'm a high school senior who wrote this small piece for a writing class.

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