A Day at the Park | Teen Ink

A Day at the Park

December 15, 2023
By KaidanC69 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
KaidanC69 BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In a city, where towers reached for the sky and headlights painted the streets with light, lived a man named Ryan. He had always found peace in the urban jungle. As the day went on Ryan found himself in a small park in between two towering buildings. The air was filled with the scent of flowers, and the birds chirped making it so peaceful. Ryan had found a bench beneath a tree, taking a deep breath as he sat down. The cool breeze swept his face, as he thought about all the worries he had with his life. He closed his eyes letting the peacefulness overwhelm him or hoping it would. As he was sitting there enjoying his time, he saw a group of children playing a game of tag. Their laughter echoed throughout the park. It made him realize how fast his time has gone by. He couldn’t help himself but to smile and laugh, and endurance their innocence and happiness. The sun was beginning to set, it painted the sky with orange and pink, it casted out a warm glow over the park that Ryan enjoyed. Ryan noticed a couple sitting across from him at a different bench, as they held hands, and shared their stories with each other, reminding him of the love of his life, his body filled with guilt and remembrance. He wanted nothing but love in his life. In this moment Ryan just set back and enjoyed nature, and the beauty it truly had. He for once felt grateful for living. As the evening turned into night, Ryan stood up from the bench, walking away from the park, he was rushed with memories from his past. He ventured back into the city, appreciating the simple pleasures in his life.

The author's comments:

This is vignette that I typed out, I really like this but it could be fixed up into something better.

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