The King | Teen Ink

The King

December 4, 2023
By Anonymous

Leo stood atop Barnaby Hill, looking down at the world as if he was the king of it all. 

The sunset seemed to lower just behind his head as if it were some sort of halo. “Ha ha ha! You peasants! I am Leo, the king of the world!” He laughed. His friends, Andie and Carson looked up at him with puzzled expressions. “Why, of course, your majesty,” Andie stated jokingly as she bowed down.

 Carson began walking to the top of the hill. “NO! Stay away, peasant!” Leo screamed. 

Carson laughed and ignored Leo’s statement. Finally, at the top of the hill, Carson gave Leo a small push and chuckled. “Now I’m the king!” he said triumphantly. Yet to his confusion, Leo hadn’t fought back. The young boy began falling down the hill. “Help!” he screamed. Andie and Carson quickly ran, trying to catch him.

 “I got you!” Andie yelled. Tragically, she missed and Leo hit the bottom with a thud. 

“Leo!” Carson rushed to his aid. Carson shook him. “Uh oh, he’s not waking up,” he said, worried. Andie ran over and got down on her knees beside him. “Maybe just- uh,” SLAP! Andie left a bright red handprint on Leo’s face, yet he seemed unaffected.

 She looked and Carson sheepishly. “Well don’t just stand there looking at me!” Carson 

yelled, “We have to do something!” Andie got up and started circling around the unconscious boy. “Hm, maybe he needs CPR. That’s what I see in all the movies,” she responded. Carson looked at her. “You do realize that's-” Andie cut him off. “Nuh, uh. I don’t care. You’re doing it. What else do you suggest?” 

Carson groaned and reluctantly leaned down, over Leo. Just then, Leo woke up and 

opened his eyes. “Ew!” he screamed and shoved Carson to the ground. “Why were you trying to kiss me!? That’s disgusting.” Leo yelled, backing up. Carson gave him a look of disgust. “Kiss, you?! I was saving your life.” Leo looked at him with skepticism. “Sure, but I know how hard it is to resist these looks. I’m often told I look like a prince,” he said as he struck a pose. 

Andie laughed and helped them both up. “Yeah, I think you need to do your research.” 

Carson said as he began to walk back up the hill. He then turned around to face them, what small sliver of sunlight there was left, perfectly hitting his face. “I’m the king around these parts.”

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