Max and Jason: A Tail of True Friendship | Teen Ink

Max and Jason: A Tail of True Friendship

November 16, 2023
By TristanLyu GOLD, Beijing, Other
TristanLyu GOLD, Beijing, Other
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Jason strolled in his sneakers along the sidewalk on his way home after a long day at the building site. The site was illuminated by a stunning orange tint during the evening. He smiled as he rounded the corner onto his street and spotted something he was used to seeing: Max was waiting for him.

Jason called out to his beloved Golden Retriever: “Max!” as he temporarily lost track of his exhaustion. Max wagged his tail enthusiastically as he ran to meet his beloved owner. Max sprang up and kissed Jason wildly all over his tired face. Jason petted Max lovingly, saying, "Hey, buddy."

The two have been inseparable ever since Jason adopted Max from a shelter, forging an unbreakable bond. As a reward, Max has shown steadfast loyalty and affection toward Jason.

Max delightfully led the way home. They walked into a little park that seemed like a second home to them. Max waited at Jason's feet, tail still wagging with excitement, as Jason sat down on a bench to relax.

Jason noticed kids swinging on the swingset, and then noticed Max turn his head with the movement of the swings. He smiled blissfully and thumped Max on the back. “Max, do you find it enjoyable to watch those kids?” Jason felt a release from the day's stress, as he watched the beautiful sunset with his dog at his side. Suddenly, bright light appeared. The only sounds they heard as they sat in serene tranquility were far-off laughing and the rustle of foliage.

Jason was compelled to get to his feet as the sun finally disappeared, and night fell. “It's time to head back, Max. Let's go.” Max got to his feet and stretched his legs before joining Jason. The invisible closeness they shared was evident in every step they took together.

Max followed Jason with curiosity as Jason prepared a simple dinner when they gothome. Jason couldn't resist giving Max a treat from his plate even though Max had a dish of his own. Max wagged his tail in delight, and his eyes gleamed with gratitude. They spent the evening together in the small backyard playing fetch. After supper, they climbed on the couchtogether to watch TV. As Max dozed off next to Max, Jason took comfort in the warmth of his body and his company. For the first time all day, Jason felt a quiet contentment, despite the sound of the TV in the background.

As the night became darker, exhaustion hugged Jason again. Yawning, he stretched his arms and turned off the TV,  whispering in a low voice, “Sleep now, Max.” As he stood up, Max cast Jason a drowsy, compassionate gaze, sprung to his feet and followed him to the bedroom. He let out a happy bark and licked Jason’s hand in reaction to Jason's touch at his bedside.

With Max’s melodious and rhythmic breathing, they cuddled up. In the silent night, Jason observed, "Max, thanks for always being there to accompany me and to remind me to have fun. You are best friend; you are my family.” Jason shut his eyes, feeling a sense of calm engulf over his body as Max rubbed his fingers together. With Max by his side, the weight of the world and the challenges of the day appeared less overwhelming. They demonstrated the close affinity between people and dogs by maintaining their friendship even when they sleep.

Months passed, and Jason and Max still lived their simple life together. They went on hikes, played at the park, and endured seasonal storms. Jason found strength in Max's presence, which helped him get through the highs and lows.

One day, while they were walking through the park, Max's ears perked up and he yanked on his leash. Jason followed Max's tugging, and together they came upon a lost puppy. Without thinking, Jason scooped up the dog, and Max gave the guest a loving sniff. “We've acquired a new companion, Max,” Jason said while grinning and stroking Max's ears. Max wagged his tail happily and seemed to nod in accord.

That evening, as Jason and Max strolled through the park, a pack of hostile canines barked and lunged at them. Max went toward Jason, lowering his tail and flattening his ears. Jason pulled Max away as he backed away out of fear. From that day on, the calm park felt strained. Max's confidence was shattered after the angry confrontation, and his eyes remained fearful and cautious. Tension persisted, putting a pall over their daily activities for days and weeks to come. While this concerned Jason, the incident also revealed Max's unwavering commitment. Shorter walks helped them reestablish trust. Weeks later, when they went back to the park, Max's tail began to wag more confidently but still tentatively. His overall demeanor and had been temporarily affected by the confrontation, but their fortitude won out. Jason and Max strolled side by side as the sun set on another day, their long friendship being reinforced by the relationship that has withstood both peace and battle.

At last, Jason realized that Max has made not only his life happier but also his life more colorful: laughter, laughter and hardships; tears, and victories. And as the years went by, he realized that the relationship shared by people and dogs was truly amazing; it was an unbreakable tie that went beyond language and friendship and recognized no boundaries.

The author's comments:

This is a short story that I wrote about the relationship between human and dog. 

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