my epic story | Teen Ink

my epic story

November 7, 2023
By MrGreeneEpikGamer923847 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
MrGreeneEpikGamer923847 BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It’s impossible to tell whether my eyes were open or not because of how dark it is. Only a soft, fuzzy glimmer of light makes it past the curtains on the window, perfectly reflecting on the walls and clock. If home during the day was life, at night it would be post-apocalyptic. The only noises coming from the large clock overhead, with its low ticks every second. I tried to block out the noise and ignore it, but a large, dark,  creaking sound came from behind the clock, like a monster awakening in the nonexistent attic. Maybe it’s a secret attic I didn't know about. Maybe it was hidden from me for a reason. A large crack came from the ceiling, and soon a thud came, I felt the ground shake with it. I froze out of fear. A presence was lurking in front of me, I just couldn't make out what was going on. I swear the shadows danced. My heart was pounding, dread is the only word that could possibly describe how I felt. In fear for my safety. Being awake past midnight was very serious. Atlas, opened my eyes, catching my breath. I hallucinated it. all of it. 

The author's comments:

i like mister greene s class. 

For this set piece, I wanted to recreate that feeling of staying up past midnight as a kid. I thought it was an evil time and something bad would happen, like a spirit would hurt me in a way. Or perhaps the items placed on the cabinet would shape shift into little demons. 

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