Rises the Moon | Teen Ink

Rises the Moon

November 6, 2023
By Anonymous

Everyday feels like it won't ever end. The sun radiates and burns all day so much that it taunts you. Bright days yet everyday rises the moon.

Days blur together to the amount that they are the same. Bad memories are all that are left to haunt you, yet everyday rises the moon.

Days anchor you down, living is getting harder, but wait because meanwhile rises the moon.

Days yank at you like a weed from the garden, but even so rises the moon.Sometimes in different shapes, sometimes in different colors, rises the moon

The author's comments:

I based it on one of my favorite songs “rises the moon” by Liana Flores. I tried to describe throughout the piece the constant feeling of dread and sameness going through the day, and one thing always persists: “rises the moon” and how we should once in a while look up and appreciate it. I like how I incorporate the main idea and the verses themself while adding some things myself in the last sentence. 

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