Teeth | Teen Ink


October 17, 2023
By Anonymous

My family all has different smiles. My dads smile is generic. Nothing special, nothing new. Just teeth. Just like a single file line. Small imperfections too little to notice. My moms teeth are completely opposite. As a child, she was unable to get braces. They are like tree branches cohesive but faced in different directions. All independent and innocent. Jane's teeth are very similar to my moms, except worse. They are like a rollercoaster. Unorganized and deranged. Each tooth switching off from going up, down, up, then down. The rest of us have perfect teeth. After each of us have gone through years of braces I would hope so. However, Abby’s lack of wearing her retainers have caused a slight shift in her smile. Molly may have straight teeth, but has no desire to brush them. They are like a new rug covered in mud. So much potential with such little effort. My dedication and discipline have allowed my teeth to remain straight as well. But, no one’s teeth compare to Katie’s. They are flawless. Her smile jumps out every time they are revealed. It is like the sun. So bright and bold immediately makes you happy. Each smile is so different, but they make us who we are.  

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