Dreaming Last Night | Teen Ink

Dreaming Last Night

September 28, 2023
By 4lott GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
4lott GOLD, Nashotah, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I was dreaming last night that I just had gotten a 2023 Black BMW 330i with tinted windows. And so I hopped in and I had my Jordan Oreos on with perfectly fit me like everything that I had ever bought because I am picky. As I hopped into my new car I screamed, “It's a new car!”. As I began to drive off I thought of all of the places I could go, which led me to drive to Bora Bora and see the ocean blue as we fly over with my new car riding along with me on the plane. As I’m sitting on the plane sipping my 1964 red Moscato, I think about the red sea that we are flying over and think about all of the ocean animals such as the squids that hid from you, but yet when you come into contact they stare deep into your soul. As I began to get a little hungry a gluten-free omelet appeared in my lap hot and steamy ready for me to enjoy. As I change into my athletic shoes and ponder the different things I am seeing outside my window such as the dragons flying around on a hot summer's day, listening to the song by Drake, and the sky looking like it was painted by van Gau. As Martin Luther King Jr. comes over dressed in an all-blue orthopedic surgeon's outfit he tells me that the plane will be landing shortly and I respond with alr. Then as I begin to get ready and go to my car at the back of the plane Channing Tatum walks through the door and greets me with, “Bon Jour!” and I say Bon Jour!” as I get into my car. Then as I get onto the island I drive off in my car sitting next to me is Tyler and we drive off into infinity jumping through time to get to our house over the water. I feel my body begin to shake and I wake up abruptly, “Hey I haven't seen you in a while honey.” said my grandma content as I'm realizing that it was all just a dream.  

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