The Cat and The Bakery | Teen Ink

The Cat and The Bakery

September 27, 2023
By Anonymous

The icy wind crashed against the walls of the aged building. The sign that reads “Mary’s Bakery” rocked from the gushes of wind, making small creaky sounds with every swing. Gray clouds covered the sky, leaving a dark cast over the town. A cat sauntered across the street and under the overhang of Mary's Bakery. The wind lashed on, and the rain began to pour down. The cat paced around the building while searching for a way in. A warm glow escaped the closed windows, and a soft rhythm of music managed through the patter of rain. The cat wandered to the back of the bakery, finding the back door slightly ajar, just enough for it to glide through. The warmth of the bakery surrounded the cat, lulling it to a sleepy state. The cat nudges its way under a low table and softly closes its eyes.

Crashing and banging is what the cat woke up to. Someone was humming a tune underneath all the ruckus. The cat peered out of the table, finding a young woman rushing around, juggling many tasks. The cat watched as she poured, mixed, and baked copious amounts of ingredients. Spreading hot pink and yellow frosting onto cookies and cupcakes, until the sun came up and shone through the damaged windows. The young lady set all the treats into a display case and opened the door, letting the cool morning air drift in. 

A woman with gray hair and soft eyes wandered into the shop. She talked to the young woman for a while. The cat heard the name Mary and decided that was the young woman's name. The older lady left, and the cat followed behind, wandering into the empty street. The dew on the grass provided a cool blanket until the sun rose higher and the warmth as well. The cat walked back through the open door of the bakery. The bakery was just as empty as it was that morning, and very few desserts were gone. The cat continued into the back of the bakery. Mary was nowhere to be found. The Cat hopped onto the cold, steel table Mary used earlier to prepare the sweet treats, hoping to find a little leftover to eat. A thin film of flour coated the cold surface but nothing else. The cat pattered across it and hopped back onto the floor and under the table from earlier. Its eyes fluttered close, as the warm bakery air and sweet scent acted like a blanket.

The cat woke up in a jump. Mary's shriek carried through the air. She stood, gaping at the paw prints that walked across the table and disappeared onto the floor. Mary did not move for minutes. Thoughts scrambled through her brain, making it hard to function. She had known of the homeless cat, everyone did. The cat was notorious for breaking into houses and businesses. The cat did no harm, but it was breaking many health code violations. Mary did not want to hurt the poor cat, but she couldn't let it walk around and sleep in her already struggling bakery. 

The cat darted out from under the table. It knew that Mary would find them eventually, so the only way out was to run. It ran across the room, Mary following behind. Lunging to catch the cat, Mary flew across the room. The cat scattered, jumping on the counter and shelves while Mary jumped, unable to reach the heights. The cat ran out of the room, hoping the front door would be open. It wasn't. Mary sneakily closed the kitchen door. They were trapped. The cat prepared to run more, but Mary was too fast. She lunged and grabbed the cat. Laughing as she had won.  Mary placed the cat into an old carrier she had and drove to the local shelter. She knew that the people there would be able to help the homeless cat. She put her rusted car into park and looked at the cat. Mary wondered if the cat was there for a reason. Mary’s bakery had been about to close for a few months now. She has been unable to sell enough to keep her bakery open. Mary put the car in reverse and drove back home. The cat still in the car.

A few months later, Mary closed the door to the bakery. She took in every last bit of it. Mary had decided to close it. The cat, which she decided to name Cannoli, was her motivation to start anew. She rebranded her bakery and did everything she could to  advertise her new business. She would walk for hours on end, begging people to at least try a free sample. Mary and Cannoli got in the car and drove for hours until they made it to their new home. Leaving the past behind.

The author's comments:

I wrote this story in my creative writing class. I wanted to make the story something lighthearted and genuine. I hope this story makes someone smile for at least a while. 

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