the children are missing | Teen Ink

the children are missing

September 8, 2023
By Anonymous

On a warm summer day in 2011 September 9th the two Jason and Emily Johnsons are outside with their neighbor John Jones playing hide and seek While Emily is counting to get ready to seek a suspicious van stalks the three children like a lion hunting its prey. The suspicious van rolls around the block two times to make sure the area is clear and while Emily is looking for Jason and John the van strikes and takes both John and Jason who were hiding together without a sound the third she notices the children are missing and the man running and lets out an ear shattering scream that everyone in the neighborhood could hear. The Johnsons run outside to see the van speed off, both sets of parents run out and see Emily get pulled into the van and rush to their vehicle to begin chasing. While chasing the perpetrator while they are barely getting into their vehicles the perp is already down the end of the road and they make a series of turns that lead them two different ways one to a dead end and the other right behind the van. While chasing the van they move onto the highway van Eventually the van gets so far ahead that they lose sight of it and don't know what to do they head back to their house to bring themselves together with both sets of parents in one home They sit down and try to figure out what to do about 30 minutes after the kidnapping both families get a call with the same line “ we have your children'' their blood goes cold knowing that it is out of their hands their only option is to alert the police about the situation. After the first call, another half hour passes then the Johnsons' phone rings The man states'' Bring fifty thousand dollars for each child” Both mothers break down when they hear the amount knowing there's a way to get their baby's back and the fathers check their bank statements the Johnsons' have enough money to get john back and the Johnsons' have only enough for one of their children john's father look at the Johnsons' with a prattled look on his face. The phone starts speaking to set a place and time he says to them “Bring the money to the building on the corner of Crenshaw Park an hour and thirty minutes from now” 

They start to panic The police are all around the area the parents go empty their accounts to get the kids back knowing that they don't have enough money for all three about twenty minutes away everyone is surrounding the building expecting a normal and casual exchange the perpetrator calls back saying for the first bag of money to be dropped five feet into the building then fifteen minutes later john comes out running to his parents then another ten minutes they call back saying for the second bag to be dropped in the door they see Jason run out to his parents. the third they expected to be the same way but the bag starts counting down from ten cops had planted pounds of c4 and smoke bombs in the bag they set off and the police swarm into the building shooting anything and everything in the building not caring what or who they hit after twenty minutes of they battle the smoke clears the chief of police walks out with Emily in hand she is bleeding from 3 wounds one in her rib cage,  in her body they rush her to the ambulance but with the amount of blood and wounds she has the doctors tell them her chances of living are less than 5% they get to the emergency room and they put her the table and get to work immediately but after hours of work the doctors come out with a defeated face stating that she only had moments to live the parents look at the doctor with a chimera look on their face breaking down crying running into the room attempting to hold their baby girl one last time after two minutes of the parents by her side holding her in their arms she passes with a smile on her face the parents begin to sulk knowing they will never see her alive running around their yard ever again.

The author's comments:

about this article is about kids who get kidnapped and parents who mourn the loss of their children

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