The Zombie Twist | Teen Ink

The Zombie Twist

September 7, 2023
By Anonymous

On   January   19,   4026   it   was   one   of   the   most   beautifulest   evenings,   until   the   clock   hit   7pm.   A   humongous   crowd   of   zombies   approach   the   human   world.  The   zombies   had   a   plan,   their   plan   was   to   attack   and   kill   all   humans,   and   most  importantly   take   over   their   world.   The   zombies   want   the   humans   to   feel  adulterated, but    the   humans   had   no   time   to   react.   The   first  thing   they   did   was  panic   and    tell   each other  “HIDE   HIDE    HIDE!!!”    So   they   hid    in   homes,   cars   and   even   stores.    Although   this   didn’t   fool   the   zombies,   the  zombies   found   ways   to    enter   they’re   hiding   places.

The   zombies   slowly   started   to   look   for   the   humans   but   couldn't find   any   of   them,   until   they   saw   two   young   men   running   in   the   middle   of   the   street   trying   to   find   a   safe   place   to   hide.   The   zombies   start   to   follow   the   two   young   men   that   are   trying   to   lose   sight   of   the   zombies.   The   two   men   continue   running   until   they   get   trapped   between   the   zombies   and   a   big   metal   gate,   they   had   no   way   to   escape   from   the   zombies    because   they   weren't   able   to   climb   or   go   around   it.   Since   the   men   had   no   way   out,   the   zombies   attacked   them   and   ate   their   brains.   This   made   the   zombies   happy,   so   they   continued   to   look   for   more   humans.   

As   the   zombies   continue   to   look   for   more   humans,   they   see   a   big   home   surrounded   by   other   zombies   so   they   make   their   way   towards   the   house.   The     zombies   were   standing   around   the   house   for   about   thirty   minutes   hoping   they   could   get   in   the   house.   One   human   risked   his   life   trying   to   “protect”   all   of   the   other   humans   who   were   still   in   the   house.   As   he   walks   out   hoping   to   distract   the   zombies   he   leaves   a   slight   crack   in   the   front   door   by   accident.  


The   zombies start   making   their   way   towards   him   but   they   are   also   trying   to   get   in   the   home   as   well.   The   zombies   eat   his   brains   and   notice   the   front   door   is   open   so  they   go   in   and   spot   over   fifteen   humans. The   humans   scream   and   yell   for   help   hoping   someone   will   come   and   save   them,   but   nobody   did,   so   the   zombies    attacked    them   before   they   can    say   any   other   words.


The   zombies   continue   to   search   for   more   humans   until   they   can't   find   any   more,   but   as   they   are   searching   they   run   into   eighteen   lions.   The   lions   give   the   zombies   no   time   to   process   what   is  going  on.   The   lions   are   full    on   attacking   all the   zombies.   As    the   lions   are   attacking   the   last   portion   of   the   zombies   left,   the remaining   humans   make   their   way   out   of    their   hiding   places,   because   there   was   no   sound   of   zombies.   When   the   humans   look   around   they    notice   the   lions   attacking   the   zombies,   the   humans   continue   to   feel   stress   free   and   relaxed.   The   remaining   humans   watch    the   lions   finish    all   the    zombies.

The   moment   the   humans   start   walking   away   stress   free,   the   lions   make   their   way   towards   them   and   KILL   all   of   the   humans,   giving  them  no   time  to  run away,  they   felt   apocryphal.   The  lions  kill  all  the   zombies   and   humans   leaving   the   world   with   just   animals.    The   lions   felt   free   and   happy,   they    gave   a    sign   to   the    other   animals   to    come   out   of   the   forest.   They   all   feel   happy   and   feel   that   they   can   do   whatever   they    want   without   worrying   about   humans.

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