Zeus | Teen Ink


September 7, 2023
By Anonymous


I never really knew the purpose of  a dog's life: a  pug , Dalmatian, chihuahua or any ,nor did I think I had a purpose . Once again I was just a  mixed breed puppy waiting in line for my turn to get milk from my mother and unlike every other puppy i would play with my siblings hoping i wouldn't be the one covered in mud all the time , and it was like that   for a good while until this boy appeared , i never really liked humans , they were always mean and would kick us around or call us names, some would call us “little mutts “. So as for this boy I was hoping he left and never came back . 

After a while of being there I knew he was there to take one of my siblings or even me, i knew this simply because three of my siblings had already been taken away from previous visitors.  

As i looked at my mother i gave her a kiss hoping i wasn't the one leaving , she licked my nose clean and gave me a look I've never seen before , a look of “your going to be alright “ i tried not to cry as i saw the boy reach for me and my brother.

 I was terrified at first but having my older brother with me gave me a feeling I would be okay. Eventually as time passed we started to notice something different about this boy , he treated us well and gave us names we hadn't had before “Zeus and Apollo “,but everyday Ethan would leave , we didn't know where but he was gone most of the day , we always saw him get off this big yellow box with wheels , it was our favorite part of the day seeing our boy and having him all to ourselves. 

As time flew by i started to notice something off about my brother , he seemed uninterested when i would try to play , he would let me eat his food most of the time and he was always laying down , i knew something was wrong and i would lay with him wishing that my presence would make him feel loved.

After waiting hours Ethan was home , me and Zeus loved waiting for him at the door we would look under the blind as we saw the big yellow box with wheels open the door to let our boy out ,but this time it was different Apollo stood laying down , he was in pain and i couldn't do anything but watch. 

Ethan and his mom decided to take Apollo to the veterinarian. I wanted to go , I wanted to be there with him and show him how much I cared for him , but they left me home and I couldn't understand why .

I was anxious , i started to bite the couches which i knew Ethan despised , I ripped everything i could apart i couldn't help to fear for my brothers life but before i could destroy anything else Ethan was back, i ran to the door waiting for Apollo to walk in , but he didn't , there was no sign of my brother. . As I looked up to Ethan I saw a face I hadn't seen in a long time ever since he fell off his bike when he was five , it was a face of sadness and pain, and in a moment I knew Apollo was gone .

The next morning Ethan took me out for a walk , he knew it was the last thing i wanted , but it was what he needed , he needed a distraction , but as we walked down the park he spoke words to me that from this day i remember , “it's just me and you now Zeus, just me and you “ .

At that moment I knew I had to be strong for Ethan . 

And I didn't seem to notice how fast Ethan grew up. He seemed happy and so did I. He soon got a girlfriend which I really liked . Her name was Samy , she had a big gray cat which for some reason didn't like me at all. But I would notice how Ethan would spend most of his time with her , but I understood she was important and to me all that mattered was seeing my boy happy .

Eventually in my life as Zeus i was always there with Ethan , he gave me a purpose in life and a meaning , he kept growing and getting stronger , but as i expected i got weaker and my hair turned white , i wasn't the same as when Apollo died but i knew he was watching over me, this feeling isn't new so i holded onto in for the rest of my life with Ethan 

 Ethan eventually stopped getting out the big yellow box and started a life in college .

After twelve years of my life with Ethan I knew it was time for me to go back to my world , he wept and begged me to be stronger , but I couldn't . I felt as if my time was set to go back to Apollo. I licked Ethans tears and gave him the same look my mother once did to me: a look of “you'll be alright “ . He continued to cry and he apologized for not being around me most of the time , but I was happy because he was happy ,  because my life as a golden retriever was the one I found my purpose in . 

And in the End i blinked ,I was gone.

But once again I returned , I was smaller , but I was on the lookout for a new purpose.

And my new name was Luke.

The author's comments:

i only read and write about animals POV

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