Future Me | Teen Ink

Future Me

June 1, 2023
By Anonymous

 If I had the chance to give advice to my future self. What would I say? If my younger self came to me from the past to give me advice would I listen? I don't think I would, if the five year old me came to me from the past to give advice I would blow it off because I didn't know how the world worked. Won't that be the same case again? The world is going to keep changing and the future me would be changing with it. I have changed significantly compared to who I was even just two years ago, and I like the changes I have made. 

So why should I have to listen to the past me when I already know what they were like and what they value. What I am saying does not mean that the past me will not have important things to say, I am saying that I am already doing what the past me would want, in fact I am doing better than the past me expected. I am already living my life trying to be someone that I can be proud of. Giving advice to the future me would be like a young child trying to give advice to their parents, Scoff! Is what is  likely to follow the boastful advice.

Now if the question was reversed and I was able to give advice to my past self then there would be a plethora of things I would want to say. Start working out, start to figure out how to study, start to fix your posture. This list can go on and on. But to this I pose the same question as before. Would I follow the advice of my future self? I think I  would because they already know what my future regrets are. One of the main purposes in life is to have no regrets, and I believe that following the advice of my future self would help with that. 

I believe that the opportunity to give advice to my past self would be far more valuable than to give advice to my future self. Giving advice to my future self would just seem rude because you assume they haven't already been doing what you say. Whereas if I were to give advice to my younger self I would be able to squeeze out a lot more value. And the advice to my younger self would push myself further.But when it comes to the original question. If I got the opportunity to talk to my future self I would relinquish that opportunity to someone else and trust my future self to take the best course of action. 

The author's comments:

This is answering a prompt given to me by my teacher. 

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