Tangled | Teen Ink


May 15, 2023
By Anonymous


Once upon a time on an island–not so far away–there lived a girl. This girl's name was Rapunzel. She was no ordinary girl; she had a very special gift. She was able to heal and transform people into who they wanted to be. While growing up on this island, Rapunzel always knew she didn't belong there. She had a constant recurring dream of this big bright city she wished to see. One day Rapunzel decided she was going to see these city lights. 

Rapunzel waited patiently for her mother, Ursula, to come home. She knew the routine well. In the morning she would have to wrap her mother up in her hair. Then Rapunzel must use her magical powers to protect Ursula from all the harm outside the island that Rapunzel was warned about. Then her mother would leave the island all day and not come home until late that night, leaving Rapunzel all on her own. Then Ursula would return home in the dark and Rapunzel would have to wrap her up all over again. Finally, they would sleep. The cycle would continue every day; however, this morning Rupunzel wanted to ask a question. “Mother, I'm turning sixteen tomorrow and I want to leave the island to see the city lights,” Rapunzel said, filled with excitement. “Oh Dear, I have told you how dangerous it is out there. You won't enjoy it. You will stay right here. I don’t even know why you would want to leave, everything you need is here.” Ursula says to Rapunzel. Rapunzel agrees with her mother, but comes up with a plan overnight. 

The next day is Rapunzel's birthday. Of course her and Ursula go through their morning routine. Ursula then walks toward the door without saying a word, until she turns around and remarks, “Remember, mother knows best!” Rapunzel is filled with sadness but also a lot of anger and was ready to leave, but had nowhere to go. She stood on the edge of the island, screaming and begging for some boat to come by. Rapunzel had little hope due to no humans ever coming near this island, but it was her birthday wish. She stood there for another two hours and then saw something in the distance: a little speed boat. She celebrated then used the magic in her hair to shine a light. The boat then came her way. Rapunzel was thrilled, but incredibly scared. She had never spoken to any person besides her mother. She runs into the little house and grabs a pan for protection. The boat pulls up to the island. A very attractive tall guy, with brown hair and green eyes, got off the small boat. Rapunzel jumps out of the corner and screams “Who are you, and what are you doing here?” She tightened her grip on the pan. The guy frantically replies “I'm Flynn Rider. I was just caught up in a bad fight with an old friend, and I'm running. I am hungry and need some ice for my eye. I saw a light and saw this island. I hoped there would be someone to help. Can you help?” Rapunzel lets her guard down and says “I can help you if you can help me.” “What do you need help with?” Flynn asked. “I want to get off of this island,” Rapunzel responds. Flynn sounds concerned and confused when he says “You have never been anywhere other than here? Why would you want to leave now?” Rapunzel starts pacing around and replies “It’s my birthday, and I have always had this dream of seeing the city lights and going on land where I belong. My mother says it’s too dangerous and won't let me leave.” “Ok that sounds like a plan to me, but there might be some trouble along the way.” Flynn says making sure Rapunzel knows what they are getting into. She gives the man food and some ice for his eye. They start chatting and subtly flirting. The two of them then get on the boat, beginning their journey. 

Rupunzel is living her dream. She is seeing more in an hour on Flynn’s boat than she has seen in her entire life. Flynn and Rapunzel talked and talked. They learned a lot about each other. Then, they saw two boats in the distance, they both recognized one. It was Ursula's boat and Rider's old ship, steered by Captain Hook. They both freak out and don't know what to do. “Oh my gosh, that's my mother,” says Rapunzel. “You’re kidding! That's my old friend Hook who I just got into a fight with,” explained Flynn. They soon realized the boats were coming toward them. They sped off to the shore, but there was no way Rapunzel and Flynn were going to lose Ursula and Hook. The duo scurried off of the boat and made it to the land. The boat had crashed and they were running out of places to hide. Ursula and Captain Hook were right quickly approaching. Rapunzel knew she messed up, but she still wanted to see the lights. She was so close. Finally, Ursula and Captain Hook caught up to them. “What do you think you're doing, stupid child?” screams Ursula. “I told you I wanted to see the lights. It's my birthday. I am sixteen! It was time for me to leave that island. You were sheltering me from nothing. I deserve to find some things out on my own,” replied Rapunzel, grabbing Flynn Rider's hand. “Oh, I see. You think this boy likes you. You think he will accept you for everything you are. Well he won’t. Do you even know anything about him or what he does?” Ursula asks, filled with anger. “Argh! I don’t care about your daughter, all I care about is killing Flynn Ryder!” Hook exclaims. “Woah, woah, woah. Let's all take a deep breath. There is obviously some miscommunication here. Please just let me take Rapunzel to see the lights, then I will turn myself in,” pleaded Flynn. He barely finished his thought before grabbing Rapunzel’s hand and jumping into the back of a truck. The captain tried to grab Flynn, but he only managed to slash him with his sharp hook. The duo got away, but Flynn was in serious pain. 

It was time for Rapunzel to reveal her secret power. She told Flynn “I can help.” He replied “how are you gonna do that?” Rapunzel looked Flynn directly in the eyes and said “trust me.” She wrapped her long, blonde hair around his wound. Flynn was confused, but he fully trusted Rapunzel. Her hair magically lit up. Flynn watched in awe, remaining silent. Rapunzel removed her hair from the wound and it was miraculously healed. Eventually, they made it to the city. Flynn, still shocked and slightly frightened, was prepared to show her the city lights from the best view: the top of the Statue of Liberty. “Thanks for doing whatever you just did,” Flynn began. “Now, let’s go! If you still want to see these lights, we have to go now. It will take a while to get to the top.” Rapunzel and Flynn finally start to make their way through the city. Rapunzel was in awe of all the strange people, loud noises, and weird smells. Ultimately, she loved every moment of it. Eventually, they made it to the bottom of the Statue of Liberty and got ready to make the climb. “Rapunzel, this is it. Once we make it to the top, you will see the lights. Are you ready?” Flynn asked. “Yes I am so ready, and I am even happier that I am able to do this with you,” explained Rapunzle. They start their climb and soon make it to the top. Rupunzel runs to the windows to stare at the lights. When she makes it to the window her eyes grow wider. Flynn notices how happy she is at this moment. She grows more beautiful in his eyes by the second. Rapunzel turns around with a big smile. They walk towards each other and kiss. At that moment, they felt a spark between them. Flynn looks at Rapunzel and says “I think that you are exactly what–” He is cut off by Ursula who screams “Rapunzel! We need to go. He is not who he says he is. He is a criminal who needs to be locked up.” The Police charge in behind Ursula and grab Flynn. Rapunzel screams and cries as she is taken home by her mother. Ursula fills her head with lies to make Rapunzel never want to leave the island again. Rapunzel does not believe her, but she knows she is trapped forever now. 

A couple of days go by and the routine has slightly changed. Rapunzel still wrapped her mother up in the morning and at night, but Ursula did not leave the island. One day they hear a boat coming near the island. It was Flynn Rider, returning to rescue Rapunzel. He began to explain why he was arrested and ultimately released “Rapunzel you need to believe me. I stole a crown from Captain Hook's boat, but it was mine in the first place. It was given to me to find you. Hook stole it from me. You are the lost child of the royal family. They hired me to find you. Hook stole the crown from me and attempted to find you first. Ursula found out from Hook that I was looking for you, and she managed to get me arrested. When the cops realized they had no evidence against me, I was released. I knew instantly I had to save you from your horrific mother. Actually, she is not even your real mother; she is your kidnapper!” “What are you talking about Flynn? I’m a part of the royal family? I’m a princess? Ursula isn’t my mother?" Rapunzel asked, confused. “Oh honey, don’t believe him. He is a slimy criminal who is doing what he does best: lying. Remember, mother knows best,” Ursula said, attempting to conceal the truth. “Just stop lying, you're not her mother. You will never be her mother. You are just using her for her beautiful gift that no one should ever judge her for,” Flynn says as he pulls out a knife and cuts off Rapunzel’s hair. The formerly long locks change color from blonde to black. All the magic in the hair dies, and Ursula transforms into her real form: an ugly, octopus. The cops arrive and take Ursula away. Flynn soon returned Rapunzel to her real family. She also fell madly in love with Flynn, and they lived happily ever after.


The author's comments:

This is my twisted version of the popular movie tangled. 

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