Quinceanera Chaos: When the spotlight is stolen | Teen Ink

Quinceanera Chaos: When the spotlight is stolen

May 8, 2023
By Anonymous

Quinceanera Chaos: When the spotlight is stolen

Tears welled up in Juliana’s eyes, all the emotions like a dam that finally burst from all the cracks in it. This was her breaking point, the tears just started flowing, and the next thing she knew her legs started moving. She bolted towards the back rooms of the venue, makeup ruined and cake smeared all over her face, completely ruining her makeup. She couldn’t believe that her own friends and cousins could do this to her, they smacked her face with cake and smeared it all over. Somehow the chambelanes thought it would be a hilarious joke, that backfired horribly. Now we know how we got here, let’s rewind the tape to the beginning. So, here is some quick info before we jump back into the beginning. Juliana is turning 15 today, hence her having a quince. She had originally chosen her court, 4 damas, and 4 chambelanes. But one problem, one of the girls that were supposed to be one of her damas went behind her back and was talking sh*t about her and always likes to steal the attention. So naturally Juiliana kicked her out of the court real quick and instead chose one of her close cousins. Juliana didn’t want anyone to steal her spotlight, this was going to be her one day to shine. Being the middle child of the family she gets overshadowed by her other siblings. Her older sister (Isabella) and younger brother (JJ) love to hog all of their parent's attention. Juliana chose a flashy princess-style dress, in blue, of course (her favorite color). She even had a very blinged-out crown to go with it, she was going to be the bell of the ball. So, now that we got the background info let's start at the beginning. Juliana’s family had rented out a magnificent venue. The theme is an enchanted forest. Fairy lights draped on the ceiling, fake vines decorated the walls, and  the centerpieces were bunches of lavender and daisies. The room looked so magical, straight from a fairytale. A lot of her family was there, even the ones that lived in Mexico. They all came to celebrate her becoming a woman. Everyone sat in anticipation, waiting for her to come in. Juliana walked into the room in her extravagant and very elegant dress. Everyone stared at her and cheered upon her arrival. She had gone all out, full face of makeup, hair done, black Converse her shoes of choice. All eyes were on her, her smile beaming. This was her day, no one was going to take it from her. As she's greeting all the guests, she sees someone walk in. It was Amelia, her ex-dama. Amelia just stared at Juiliana and put on a devious smile, she waved. She had a look in her eyes like she had something planned, and it didn’t look good. Juliana rushed over to her and in a half whisper exclaimed, “What are you doing here!”. “Oh you know just showing up to support my best friend. What else would I be doing?” Amelia was very sarcastic and trying to sound innocent at the same time. “You can’t be here, your not one of my damas anymore, you have to leave.” The aggravation grew in her tone. “Or what?” “I’ll have them kick you out, you’re not going to ruin this for me.” “Well see about that.” Juliana turned to go to attend to something and then she would tell her parents what happened. In the corner of her eye, she saw Emelia sneaking around and trying to steal the pair of high heel shoes for the shoe ceremony. Juliana ran over to try to snatch the box away but Emilia wouldn’t let go. Then in the struggle, Emilia let go and threw herself onto the floor making a scene. Everybody was looking at them wondering what happened. “I was just trying to hand Juliana the shoe box and she snatched it from me and shoved me down. I was just trying to help.” Fake tears started to fall from Emelia’s face. Everyone started to murmur of course they believed her because Emelia was family. “Why would you do that Juliana?!?” Tia Carmen cried out. “I didn’t- she’s the one that-she’s lying!” “Why would I lie?” Emelia in between tears gave Juliana a devilish smile. Emilia’s mom, Tia Carmen, rushed towards her and helped her. “Get your daughter under control.” Tia Carmen scowled at Juliana’s mom. “She’s not the problem here, everyone knows how you guys are.” Juliana’s mom clapped back. “Come on Emilia, we’re leaving now.” Tia Carmen said with a disgusted and offended look. Well, that was sure something. Everyone was gossiping about what just happened, judging. All Juliana could think was “Great now everyone is gonna think that I’m the asshole, I’m so embarrassed.” Emilia and Tia Carmen were walking out everyone cheered. Juliana was shocked that they weren’t mad and judgmental of her. As Juliana’s mom said, everyone knew how they were. They had a reputation and it’s not a good one. Juliana was just glad that was solved. The party continued as planned, music blasting, the drunk uncle dancing with everyone, and the little cousins running around playing games. Meanwhile, while Juliana was getting ready for the different traditional ceremonies that were to be done the table of gossiping tia’s were spilling all the tea between sips of wine. “Did you see that? How badly educated her daughter is. I’m telling you now, if MY kid did that? OOH, I would kick her ass. Who is she kidding acting like that in front of the family?” That is Tia Rosa, AKA the ultimate Gossiper of the family. If you want the tea she’s got it. She’s got ALL the intel, and she’s more than happy to spill all the tea. “Back in my day we wouldn’t DARE act like that! Hoo if I did that my mother would’ve killed me!” Yeah that’s Tia Lola. She doesn’t gossip as much, but her thing is that she loves to talk about “back in her day”. “You know what it’s probably because Emilia’s dad (Ricardo) ditched them because of Carmen’s major alcohol problem, and the fact that she’s so bipolar. Her parents never gave her attention so she BEGS for all the attention she can get.” OOOOOH damn Tia Rosa spillin' ALL the tea. “Or the fact that Carmen’s ex cheated on her with 3 other girls? Or the fact that she got pregnant at 15 and didn’t know who the dad was so she just told Ricardo she was his.” Oh, sh*t Tia Guadalupe goin’ OFF. Yeah as you might’ve guessed Tia Guadalupe loves to gossip and says the most outta pocket things. “I don’t know they have all kinds of drama. But hey to each their own. At the end of the day, who are we to judge?” After wrapping up the tea-telling session she slowly looked down and sipped her wine. “Mhm you said it.” Lola chimed in. They all know deep down that what Tia Rosa said was bullsh*t. They all always judge everyone else even though they are all just as bad. Ok back to the quinceanera, she does the shoe ceremony. She chose high heels that complemented her dress of course. Then the dancing with the doll, she thought this part was weird but did it for her parents and the sake of tradition. Then they cut the cake and everyone dug in. Juliana stepped aside to talk to some family members when all of a sudden one of her chambelanes, Mark snuck up behind her with the other chambelanes following him. Then BAM, a straight piece of cake to the face. One by one all the other chambelanes smushed and smeared cake all over her face, laughing and side-hugging her to show that it was meant to be a joke. So that’s how we got here, now back to the present. As Juliana ran to her mom while her older sister, who was part of her quince court, stormed towards the chambelanes and tore them a new one. “Which one of you dodos thought that would be an ok thing to do!” “It was supposed to be a joke!” Mark, one of the chambelanes was sure she was gonna kill him right there right then, or worse. “Did she look like she was laughing? Why would you guys do that? She chose you guys to be in her court because she trusts and loves you guys! And this is how you treat her? If that was a joke it clearly wasn’t funny, notice how NO ONE laughed?” Dayum Isabella goin’ OFF. Meanwhile, Juliana’s mom was trying to comfort her and calm her down. “Why would they do that? They ruined my makeup and got cake in my hair and some on my dress! That was humiliating! How can I even fix this?” Juliana was still in tears trying to get all the cake cleaned up. “Mija, it’s ok. I understand you’re upset, and you have the right to be. But, you need to take a deep breath and try to calm down. We can find a solution, your sister is really good at hair and makeup she can help you! It’s gonna be ok.” Juliana’s mom wiped away her tears and cake frosting and hugged her tight. “Hey Juliana, open the door you got a lot of apologies waiting for you!” Juliana heard it was Isabella and opened the door. “We’re sorry Juliana. We thought it would be a funny prank but it really wasn’t. It was a stupid thing to do and we’re sorry and we’ll help you clean up in any way we can.” After all the apologies were over Juliana got cleaned up and her makeup and hair looked even better than before. They ended up enjoying the night and dancing for hours. All seemed well but little did she and the others know, Tia Carmen and Emelia wern’t going down without a fight. Juliana’s mom had humiliated them in front of the whole family and they were going to make them pay, one way or another.

The author's comments:

Author’s Notes: Reflection Sheet


Explain how your characters are complex.
They have some things that contradict each other but in a good way. That’s why I made Juliana be the middle child that never gets full attention or much attention at all, yet her whole thing is that she wants the spotlight to be on her for one day despite her being a little shy normally. And then of course Emelia is the toxic bi-polar manipulative cousin and her toxic mom. The Tia’s who like to gossip but have their own issues that they should be resolving.

Explain the overarching question of your story. Please explain how your story deals with and answers that question.
Will Juliana get her spotlight for this one day? My story shows that at first it was going to be no, but then it takes a turn saying that she does get her spotlight.

Describe the goals that are present in your story
“Will Juliana be the center of attention? Will there be family drama? What could go wrong?

Describe the obstacles and consequences that are present in your story.
The toxic cousin that wants to ruin her special day and her and her mom getting kicked out. The chambelanes pulling a prank on her and them getting chewed out by the older sister. 

What is the point of view that you selected? Please explain why that is the best POV for this particular story.
I selected third person to give like a “Jane the virgin” Narrator kinda vibe but at the same time just like an outsider that has all the info watching this all go down. I think this is the best POV to get the most out of whats going on in such a busy setting.

Explain why you chose the type of beginning that you did. How is it an appropriate and impactful selection for your fiction?
I felt like throwing the story straight into action would make it hook the reader in more. Also I wanted to do like a “Yep that’s me, you might be wondering how I got in this position” kinda vibe and then explain how it happen and then transition into what happens after too.

Explain why you chose the type of ending that you did. How is it an appropriate and impactful selection for your fiction?
I did the ending where its not really resolved and it leaves it open ended making the reader wonder what could happen next. Pretty much leting readers guess what could happen given what they know from the story. 

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