The Fortune Cookie | Teen Ink

The Fortune Cookie

April 27, 2023
By Anonymous

Jackson Mallory is an accountant at a printer factory in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He wakes up in the morning for work, and he notices a fortune cookie on the nightstand beside his bed. "Huh, I don’t remember getting any Chinese food yesterday." He cracks the cookie and pulls out the fortune. “Sometimes, it is the strangers you meet that give you the best gifts.” Jack rolls his eyes and throws the paper away while eating the cookie. He checks his watch and realizes he is about to be late for the 9:00 a.m. subway. 
 Jack hurries out of his apartment and runs to the subway station. Upon entering the subway in a nick of time, he realizes something is missing. He scrabbles through his coat pockets and finds that his wallet is missing. He looks around the floor to see if it has fallen on the subway, but to no avail. The train stops at his destination, and Jackson gloomily steps out. "Sir! Sir, is this yours?" A faint holler starts to come into focus. Jack turns around and is met with his wallet in a stranger’s hand. "Yes, that is mine. Where was it?" "It was on the subway stairs. You are lucky I found it before someone could steal any of your valuables." 
The man gives Jack his wallet, and Jack arrives at the office late. Working at the office sucks. An hour of working feels like years have gone by. The people are always miserable and hate working, and He barely got much money from his job. Jack’s manager, Mason, a free-spirited, happy-go-lucky idiot, enters his space. 
"How are you holding up, Jack, on this sunny day?" 
"I still feel dead inside, and I almost lost my wallet forever while coming to this dead-end job." 
"Well, at least you still have your wallet." Mason gives a reassuring smile. "The day is just getting better from here." 
"You sound like you are being paid for your efforts." 
"I'm only trying to cheer everyone up." 
Jack ignores Mason, and Mason left Jack to his soul-sucking work until it was time to leave. Once he was home, he Retired into his bed without even changing his work clothes. He wakes up feeling like a rock as he steps out of bed to see another fortune cookie on his nightstand. "Where did this one come from?" He pops the cookie and reads the fortune. Work can take a break, but life can't, so spend this time doing what you love. "You and me-too pal." 
Jack plops the cookie in his mouth, and his phone starts to ring. It's from Mason. Before Jack could say anything, Mason burst into tears. "A printer malfunctioned and caught fire. The office was burnt, and 15 people from the night shift died in the fire." A smile grows on Jack’s face. "This is the luckiest day of my life!" Jack paraded around his bedroom, kicking off all his work clothes. "15 people died, Jack. This is not something to be happy about." Jack hung up on Mason and laid comfortably in bed. "This is just my luck. First it’s my wallet that got returned to me before I lost it; now I don’t have to go to work." 
He looked back at the paper, knowing it predicted what had happened. Jack laughs to himself and says, "It was only a coincidence; cookies can’t predict the future. They only tell you some cheesy morals to make you feel more productive with your life." Jack spends the rest of his day lying in bed, being as lazy as he wants. "I hope I get money tomorrow.'' He gets ready for bed as he ponders all the different rewards he could get in the morning. 
The morning arrives, and Jack bursts out of bed to spot another fortune cookie on his nightstand. Sometimes you just need to remove the training wheels before riding the bike. "Oh, is it talking about work again? Am I going to lose the stupid accountant job and finally get a promotion to something better?" He sets the fortune paper in his pocket as he heads outside, where an Uber is waiting for him. "Where to, sir?" the driver asked, "To the mall, I feel lucky today." The driver sighs and starts to drive off. Throughout the drive, Jack kept his eyes on the fortune. The car started to scream and swerve until the car rolled upside down. Both Jack and the driver blacked out from the crash. 
The two are sent to a hospital, where Jack wakes up with extreme pain in his spine and bandages on his head. The nurse walks in, and Jack asks what happened. "The back two tires of the car mysteriously fell off, and it sent the car rolling.” The nurse answers. “No one died, but you both were found bleeding and unresponsive. Your spine was cracked, but you’re lucky it was not severe; your driver wasn’t so lucky compared to you." The nurse replaced his IV fluid before leaving Jack alone in the hospital bed. "Where was my good luck?" Jack tries to remember what the fortune cookie said, but he can’t put any pieces together. 
Jack was able to leave the hospital after a miserable day with only a neck brace and some painkillers for his neck. When he was dropped off at home, he awkwardly crawled into bed and had the worst relaxation ever. Jack wakes up the next day sore, and there again, the fortune cookie is resting on his nightstand. "I’m done with these stupid fortunes." Jack opens his window and chucks the cookie as hard as he can. Jack goes to make himself an egg and cheese bagel, but upon eating the bagel, Jack feels something weird in his food. He coughs out his bagel and stares in pure fear at the chewed-up piece of paper in his bagel. He unfolds the paper and reads, “Don’t let the darkness consume you.” 
"What is that supposed to mean?” “Who is out for me?" Jack looks around for anything, but it is just him, by himself, in his lonely apartment. Jack barricades the door with anything he can find and hides in his house. If he can’t leave, then nothing can get him. But if he can’t leave and something is here, then he will die. The thoughts start to spiral in his mind until Jack grabs a wooden table leg and starts to swing it around, smashing anything that can kill him. Jack starts to get exhausted and sits in the middle of his destroyed apartment. Hunger gets to him, and he grabs an uncooked pizza pocket. He starts to chow on it like a crazed animal. Jack chocks on the food and spits out a clump of pizza with a piece of paper in it. Jack’s heart stops in dread. He can’t escape the fortune cookies. “Men are not punished for their sins, but by them.” 
The entire room starts to scream as the fire alarms go off. Jack panics and goes for the door, but it is fortified. The ceiling tiles are falling, and black smoke fills the room. Jack tries the window, but he lives almost on the top floor of a six-story building; he would die if he jumped down from there. The fire makes its way into Jack’s room and burns him. Jack screams in agony, knowing he is going to die because of his own stupidity. The building can’t hold itself up and fully collapses, squishing Jack like a bug. The building is torn down, and Jack’s dead body is found in the rubble. A funeral is held for Jack, arranged by his only friend, Mason. 
Mason steps up next to Jack’s coffin, tears falling from his eyes. "In just 5 days, I lost so many Co-workers and friends, all to a fire. No one knows fully what caused this fire, but I fully believe that Jack did not deserve to die. Jack was a good man. He might have hated his job and sometimes the people around him, but he was only misunderstood and alone. The only thing left to remember him is this small fortune cookie found next to his dead body.” Mason lets out a low sigh. “I only hope that he was lucky enough to not suffer too much. May you rest in peace and know that you were loved." Mason helps set Jack’s coffin into his grave before leaving home. He feels the fortune cookie in his pocket and decides to open it. “After the end of a stressful day, there is always a better day waiting.” Mason sniffles and looks up into the air. "Jack would have loved to hear that." 

The author's comments:

This horror story is to represent karma, Greed, and probability. I always had a love for probability because sometimes I feel like I don't have good luck. This also came from after I watch a Rick and Morty episode.

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