Dream Career | Teen Ink

Dream Career

December 12, 2022
By Anonymous

If someone asked me why I would want to be an FBI Specialist, I would answer that one of the main reasons to be an FBI Specialist is my dedication to help others. I’ve always had an interest in criminals, investigating. Watching SVU, Chicago P.D, SWAT, and other Criminal shows, It makes me want to be that person in the show. Since I was about 10 years old I became really involved in criminal investigation. I would look up cases and solve them to see how well I can do. In criminal law, offenses are clearly defined. Some offenses need proof of the criminal act and some need proof of a person who commits a criminal act. 

Since I've had this interest, I have been looking at colleges and going for Law Enforcement/Criminology. To be honest my parents were really surprised when I told them that. My Uncle, who is a member of the Milwaukee SWAT team, gave me a tour of his station he works at. We looked at where the K9 lived, Tactical vehicles, police cars, their smelly workout room and all the other things you can think of that would be at a SWAT station. I was really impressed and excited with what they do for us and how I want to be that person. He is the main one person I can talk to about my career because he's been through every part of criminals and crimes. 

The job duties of an FBI agent vary depending on the case they work on, the skills they process, and the role they play at the Bureau. In case you don’t know what the Bureau is, it’s a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives. The role they have is to formulate, enact, and enforce public policy in an efficient and equitable manner. Being an FBI agent is an exciting and rewarding, though potentially dangerous opportunity, one that offers a way to protect your community and your country. The FBI is a highly skilled and highly trained force with a goal of protecting people from issues like cyber crime, counterterrorism, and organized crime. 

People ask me why I choose this career? It's a very dangerous job, why would you put yourself in that position? I chose this career to help people that are living in dangerous areas, etc. I want people to feel safe in this community and world. I do understand why people or my family would be concerned or a little nervous about why I picked this career. My family would be scared, but I also know they would support my decision and be there for me. No matter If I am in danger or in a bad situation, I still would want to do my job over and over again until retirement. I will sacrifice and help as many people as I can. 

The author's comments:

This has been my dream career for quite some time. It really sparks my interest in what I want to do when I get older and hope to get the people the help they need. 

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