Glorious Adventure in A Third World Country | Teen Ink

Glorious Adventure in A Third World Country

November 7, 2022
By Kizer BRONZE, Cupertino, California
Kizer BRONZE, Cupertino, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I'm in Kazakhstan, writing looks like Russian, but you can’t be too sure. You're in the markets, markets look almost similar to Southeast Asian markets, but only everyone is in their late 50s, short, stubby and has the most boring expression on their face. A little girl, most likely 5 or 6, at the age where she's conscious, asked me what it's like in America.  I'm thinking how does she know I'm American? Take a quick glance at myself oh. Ok I have something for you, I'm immediately thinking what do I say to this little girl. I think about that Quora web page I googled telling me exactly the answer waiting for me to copy and paste it on this google document, like a turkey, All big and fat, what a waste. I tell her you work hard. If you don’t work, you are not surviving. That's what it’s like in America. If you sit around not working, that American dream is not going to persist. What about freedom and democracy? I think immediately, tell her a homeless person on the street doesn't get much freedom do they. Or tell her some people don't deserve freedom, Melvin that bonehead. Yes, freedom is great, democracy is amazing.

The author's comments:

For an English assignment, this is a set peice

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