Poisedon | Teen Ink


September 26, 2022
By frogcd BRONZE, Oroville, California
frogcd BRONZE, Oroville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She went straight home. After a long day at the farm, some rest is all Nixie needed. She headed westbound on her bicycle, small wisps of the sea breeze tempted her to take a plunge, but she knows where she lands at night. 

Damn this thing”

Her tire popped on a sharp shard of glass, its air rapidly decreasing, evident by the soft but prominent hiss with every push of the pedal. As she dismounts, she realizes the situation. It's almost dusk by now, and she is half an hour away from her abode. Light reflects off the glass, and she picks it up only to find a replica of herself looking back at her. As she examines her reflection, she notices her once curious eyes are now dull and tired, longing for something more. Her long hours have exhausted her, and the spark she once had is now dull and gray.

Looking at the mirror has made her feel downhearted, but out of the corner of her eye she spots something, something unordinary. In the pinkish clouds, she notices something. A big oval shaped animal. A whale, a beautiful sight. She smells the sea breeze again, now stronger than ever, and follows it. Leaving her bicycle and her worries behind she follows that scent to a dock. 

The dock is old and run down, with creaky wood and missing posts, but she is growing tired and wants a place to rest. She takes off her jacket and uses it as a pillow. Her consciousness slowly fades, she slowly sees the familiar darkness from tired eyes. The last thing she says before she slips into her dream world is a goodnight to the sea.


All of the sudden, that rest she had is no more. She is jolted back into reality by a large splash. Groggy and confused, she rubs her eyes awake, only to find a large animal mouth approaching her.

“What the-”

The animal approached her, its large mouth stretched open. But even with its thousands of teeth she found comfort in its presence. She loved the sea, and she took this as a sign from Poisedon himself. The whale made a calling sound, beckoning her onto its soft tongue. Climbing inside instantly put her in a state of ease, of comfort. 

The whale closed its mouth, and the tongue was so soft, so comfortable that she couldn't help but go right back to her dreamscape. The rocking of the whale soothed her, soothed any worry she had, and she dreamed for the first time in a long time.

She didn't wake up the next morning.

The author's comments:

This piece came from my love of the ocean. The love I have for the sea trumps all and everything in my life. Growing up, I moved from my cozy ocean hometown to somewhat rural California. This story is a testament to my ocean love.

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