'The Thing' | Teen Ink

'The Thing'

September 23, 2022
By Ariannaz28 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
Ariannaz28 BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

‘The Thing’

It’s 8am on Halloween, Sam, a High School Junior with Medium length black hair and birthmarks on her face, walks up to her bed for school. She puts on her pajamas and gets into bed. 20 minutes go by and her mom, a young but old lady with med length black hair comes up to check on Sam, she closes the door slowly making a faint noise, Sam moves slightly in bed from the noise, she closes the door and heads to her room with Sam’s dad in bed, a man in his mid-twenties in bed.

            Sam’s laying comfortably in bed, time passes by, and she hears a noise like earlier, but it’s not a noise that a human can make, it’s almost like the noise your bone makes when you break it, it’s loud, but quiet. she jumps out of bed from the noise looking for what might have made it, she finds nothing, so she gets into bed and tries to go back to sleep but she stays up all night instead, thinking of what could’ve made the noise. She closes her eyes for a split second, and she sees it... a creepy looking creature, it had fur with red fainted strips, but it was missing it in a few spots, pure white eyes with no pupils, long horns that scratched on the window when looking down at her. It growls loud and disappears. She stays up all night with nothing but ‘the thing’ in her mind all night.

            It’s morning, she goes downstairs spotting her parents in the kitchen, “Morning sweetie” her mom goes, “morning” Sam says, “How’d you sleep squirt” “fine, hey uhm, did you guys hear anything... weird last night?”, her parents look at each other confused “no? what do you mean?” her mm asks looking at Sam “never mind, I’m gonna get dressed” she gets up walking back to her room ‘great, now they think I’m crazy… maybe it was a bad idea to ask them’ she thought. She stops in front of her door thinking about last night, what was it? What did it want with her? Out of all people why did it choose her? So many questions came to her mind, she brushed them off going into her room grabbing her clothes “uhm I’ll just change in the bathroom” she walks to the bathroom to change and comes out with her clothes on and her hair brushed, she walks downstairs and grabs her stuff for school tells her parents bye and heads off to school.

            Sam arrives to the school spotting her friend group of three, MJ, Tony, and Andy. They all spot Sam at the entrance and walk to her, she sees them walking to her with a happy look on her face, they’re been a friend group since they were kids, she likes to think of them as her second family. “Hey guys!” she says opening her arms and hugs them all, “How have you been?!” MJ asks her “I’ve been…. Ok, what about y’all?! I’ve missed you guys” she wanted to tell them, about the ‘thing’ she saw last night, but she didn’t want them to think she was crazy. She was scared that they wouldn’t wanna hang out with her once she told them.

The author's comments:

It's a horror story

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