Ice Cream Surprise | Teen Ink

Ice Cream Surprise

September 15, 2022
By liliannab BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
liliannab BRONZE, Pasadena, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a cloudy day. There was just enough wind for a light sweater and enough clouds for a rain storm. To Evelyn, a day like this is one of the best things that could happen. Weather like that was comforting, but it wouldn’t be comforting today. Evelyn had had a long exhausting day, classes just seemed to drag on and on. Luckily, it was the 7th period of the day, what made it better was that it was her last. 

 History wasn’t her favorite but it was tolerable. Only due to the fact that Evelyn loved to daydream. Sometimes she felt like she was in the same class as Charlie Brown, “Wah wah wom wom” was all she heard from time to time. After 40 minutes the bell had finally rung, she felt a wave of relief as she walked out of the intensely cold classroom. As she was making her way towards the front of the school. Her only desire in the world was to drive home to her family and spend her birthday with them and her best friend Aurelia, who had a special dinner planned. They didn’t know each other that long but to Evelyn she felt that they were as close as real sisters, like they were made to cross paths.(Simile) After some quality time with the family, she was going to hop into her soft queen size bed with her favorite fuzzy blanket and her laptop to watch Netflix on. She's been walking for about a minute now, she pauses for a split second. There's an ice cream truck next to her car. It was kind of odd, since it's been quite chilly and gloomy the past few days. She walked up to the ice cream truck and gave a slight tap on the closed tinted window, nothing. Maybe she should say something? What if the worker is on break and is irritated at Evelyn? She got over it, she wanted an ice cream, what would be the worst that could happen? “Um, excuse me. Are y'all open? I’d like to buy something!” Once again nothing. Evelyn backs away from the truck and proceeds to her car, but is spooked to see her favorite ice cream sitting on the trunk of her car. Chills went up her spine. She thought it would be best if she didn't eat it. She threw the ice cream on the floor and got into her car.  She turned the key and started to exit the parking lot. The gas was almost empty, so she pulled over to a corner store. Evelyn got out of the car, and she walked in and out the store after paying for gas. When she finished pumping her gas she got back in the car and left. While driving she was stopped at a red light, so she decided to pick up her phone. A message had come in from Aurelia, “Hey, you almost home? I can’t wait for the dinner party. I'm already at your place, I have a major surprise for you. Your family is resting right now. (Foreshadowing) I hope you love it!” Evelyn sighed, her social battery was almost out, yes it was her birthday but she didn't feel like it was. She responded “Yes I should be there in 10 minutes, not sure yet, I've been stuck at this red light. Thank you for setting this up.” The light finally turned green. Evelyn gets a weird feeling and decides to look to her left. “The ice cream truck? That’s the second time in 20 minutes” she thinks to herself. “It’s nothing, it’s fine.” She's now a bit more concerned since the truck has tinted windows, she has no clue who is driving that truck, and what had happened earlier with the ice cream on the hood of her car. Evelyn decided to change her route to home, it was probably a coincidence, but she felt that it was better to be safe than sorry. If she was being followed she was lucky enough to have a full tank of gas and a phone to call the police if she needed to. After turning she saw the ice cream truck kept going straight. Her nerves had calmed down, until she saw the truck heading towards her, in her lane. Evelyn swerves to avoid a collision, her hands are sweaty, shaky, and loose on the wheel. Her pulse is racing so fast she feels like one big heart pumping. There's no houses, no cars, just trees and a road. Her phone, she knew she needed to make that phone call. As she attempted to grab it from the passenger seat, the truck collided with her. Everything went black. When Evelyn had woken up. She panicked, her arms were tied behind her back, and her mouth was covered. Luckily she saw a bit of light coming from the front of the truck, she was in the back. She started to crawl to the light, maybe she could leave? She wasn’t so sure of that. As she approached the light she realized that there was a cold metal screen stopping her from going on. She sat down, she was so tired and her head felt like a bunch of hands were pressing down on it not letting her be comfortable. The truck finally came to a stop, Evelyn felt her body go cold and numb. The doors opened, there she was, the driver that Evelyn had not seen yet. The girl seemed about 5’5, Evelyn's height. She was sort of pale, with shoulder length pin straight black hair, and black shades. Dressed in all white with gloves. The girl hopped into the back with Evelyn, trying to calm her down but Evelyn wanted to fight back. The girl gave her a tight hug, with a small kiss on the forehead. She dragged Evelyn out of the truck, the muffled screams weren’t loud enough. They were in a garage, as they walked through the door the girl stopped Evelyn and had her stand in one spot. The girl stepped away for a moment. She needed to grab something, once she had what she needed she proceeded to set it up. She walks over to Evelyn who’s shaking as if she was in the coldest room on earth. When the girl makes it to Evelyn she gives her one last hug, then she begins to take her blindfold off. Evelyn let out the most horrific scream ever(onomatopoeia). A perfect horror movie scream. Lights started to flash, the girl had set up cameras to get the raw reaction of Evelyn seeing her family murdered in their living rom. She fell to her knees pleading for mercy. As she looks up the girl looks at her and walks in front of her, takes off the wig and glasses. She picks up Evelyn's head by her hair. Another scream had been let out by her. It was Aurelia, her so-called best friend. “Surprise!” Aurelia had said in such a sarcastic tone. “Aurelia what did you do, why did you do this to me, what’s wrong with you?!” Aurelia laughs. “I know, I know. This looks bad, but in a way you were kind of asking for it. We were never really friends and you never really knew me. It’s a shame that you just let serial killers into your house like this.” Evelyn sat there in awe. She had to have been lying, until she saw Aurelia pick up a pipe. Evelyn was hit in the back of the head for one last time. Aurelia drags Evelyn back into the truck, and grabs her phone, dials 9-1-1 and starts hysterically screaming saying there's an intruder and is trying to take her and her friend and that her family has been murdered. She hangs up, grabs her wig and shades, closes the door and leaves her phone. She slowly walks to the back of the truck, shuts the door, gets in and starts the truck. At this moment she leaves and successfully got away with kidnapping and a murder. As she pulls out the driveway she turns around one last time and whispers towards Evelyn “Happy birthday”.

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